19. GET

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Dear Hoseok

You sent me a long text after not seeing you for three weeks now. I didn't realize how dependent of me you were. You never gave me this much energy before. What was it that changed? Did you realize that you were missing on something you take for granted?

You even ring my doorbell and tried to get into my apartment. I did change the passcode lock. I heard you outside of my apartment frustrated that you couldn't get inside. I heard you calling me to let you in. I won't let you in. I gave you way too many chances.

Don't worry, you'll be able the see me one last time. This time you're going to be in for surprise.  I've been planning it for about a week and a half now. I want you to know how it feels to hurt other peoples feelings.

How lonely it is to not have anyone want you. This is all for the best. But I will say, I hope that one day you do get to learn from this and just settle down. Even though commitment was never your thing learn to be more honest at least. It doesn't hurt to try would it?

From a person that feels sorry for you,

Min Yoongi

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