16. THE

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Taehyung and Yoongi are holding their lunch trays as they walked through the company's cafeteria. They find a seat next to a window overlooking the city of Seoul. It would a be great time to admire the view, but today they the atmosphere was serious.

"Are you sure— I mean what if it was someone that looked like him?" Yoongi said in denial about that Taehyung was explaining to him

"Hyung i'm serious" Taehyung said giving Yoongi a hard glare "I knew you'd be like this but, I had to tell you anyways"

Yoongi just scoffs as he uses his chopsticks to pick at his food "It's not that I don't believe you it's just that— it's hard to k-know..." the smaller male started tearing up even though he didn't want to show his vulnerability at the moment

Taehyung reached over to hold Yoongi's hand "Just forget about him seriously he's not good enough for you. He's some asshole that wants to break your heart"

Yoongi stares down not daring to look up. He sniffed a little but immediately got tissue to wipe stray tears. "I don't know. If he wanted to break my heart then we would've done it a long ago. Actually I don't know what i'm saying— I-I don't know what to feel. I-I'm just in shock"

Taehyung suddenly pulls away and takes something from his bag beside him. He has some pictures that were secretly taken and he hands them over to Yoongi. The tears flowed a bit more seeing that the evidence was true. The first picture was of Hoseok at an arcade with his body close to some girl helping her play a basketball shooting game.

The second picture was of Hoseok at a restaurant feeding another girl some food as he causally just smiles at her. The third was again, a different girl. They were at a baseball game wearing matching jerseys and everything. Hoseok has his arms around her chair as he leaned back to look cool as he watched the game.
The fourth one was a different girl as well. Hoseok took this girl clubbing and in the picture they were closely making out. In the final fifth picture, Hoseok was again with another girl. Together they were in some love motel checking in.

Taehyung shakes his head in disgust "That asshole seriously has no remorse Yoongi. Just let him go he's not worth it. He's literally dating five girls. FIVE!?"

Yoongi slowly puts the pictures down and stares at Taehyung blankly. "How? How did you get these Taehyung?" he said with a heavy heart

Taehyung bites his lips and hesitates "W-Well I may or may not have asked my private investigator cousin to help me"

"Tae...who told you to do all of this?" Yoongi started to raise his voice which he doesn't usually do to people. Some coworkers were looking at them now.

Taehyung looks at the people looking and bows in apology for being too loud. He then looks back at Yoongi and sighs. "Hyung you wouldnt believe me otherwise. I told you he's been cheating on you since that day I saw some girl on his shoulder when I was waiting at the bus stop. I needed you to believe"

Yoongi just gives his friend a sad smile. "I'm very upset righr now. But thank you...for caring about me"


We don't like cheaters 😡

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