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Yoongi one night walks to Hoseok's apartment. His steps were heavy and so was his mind. He felt that maybe he can see what's been going on with Hoseok. He takes easy breathes as he walks. They live in the same neighborhood so the walk was only five minutes away.

In this moment Yoongi wished it was longer so that he had more time to figure out what to say. But he either way, as soon as he made it to Hoseok's apartment he hesitantly rings his doorbell. For about a few seconds Yoongi waits for Hoseok's answer.

The intercom made a fuzzy sound and a light shine's indicating that Hoseok is able to see him through a camera. Yoongi gives a little smile.

"H-Hey! I was just checking on you. Can I come up?" Yoongi asked

"Yeah come up" Is all Hoseok says before the intercom turns off and the ringing of the front door rings for Yoongi to be able to go inside

The last time Yoongi came to Hoseok's apartment was about eight months ago. Hoseok invited Yoongi to go clubbing with him. Clubbing isn't Yoongi's thing, but he did it anyways to please Hoseok.

After a drink night of clubbing they end up coming back to Hoseok's apartment and the rest is expected, they had sex. When Yoongi woke up the next morning Hoseok didn't kick him out like Yoongi expected. But he definitely wasn't as loving as he was the night before.

Yoongi found Hoseok's apartment door and knocks. The door was already open as soon as his hand landed on it. So he steps inside and takes his shoes off. Hoseok was already sitting on his couch watching television. His house was neat.

"Hey Yoongi what's up?" The man asked only wearing boxers

Yoongi admired Hoseok's lean body. The nights of sex instantly flash in his mind. But he shakes it off and sits next to Hoseok on his couch.

"I've been worried about you" Yoongi straight up said "You haven't replied to my text messages"

Hoseok looks at Yoongi like he was surprised "Oh shit really? I didn't remember getting any text" he said them checking his phone

Yoongi can see that Hoseok was now checking all the unread text he would leave him over the course of weeks. It hurt his feelings. But he didnt want to jump to conclusions. Besides, it's not like they were both together.

"I-I just wanted to see if you were okay. Did I do something wrong?" Yoongi asked his voice sounding weak

Hoseok just shrugs his shoulders. "Just been busy I guess. But now that you're here..." he then moves closer to Yoongi their lips almost touching "I know what you really want"

Yoongi wanted to tell Hoseok that he didn't actually know what he really wanted. In fact he wasn't even in the mood to have sex. He just wanted answers. But it was hard to resist.

"You want me?" Hoseok asked seductively their breathed intermingling

"I do...I do want you" Yoongi said breathlessly

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