With a self-assured posture, she crossed her arms, her face radiating pride for having seemingly figured Aqua out.

Anticipating him to admit she was right, Ruby was ready to forgive his little lie, as she was known for her forgiving nature. What she didn't expect, however, was Aqua turning his gaze back to the front, seemingly disinterested in her revelation.

"You're right, I can't hear him at all," Aqua replied bluntly, his tone betraying a sense of indifference. "I only said that because I don't want to talk to you. You can't seem to take a hint; I expected more from an old woman like you," he remarked, his words laced with an unexpected sharpness.

Ruby playfully pouted at his words, her expressive face lighting up as she grabbed his arms and rocked him back and forth in a teasing manner. "Oh, come on! You're so mean!" she whispered, her voice a mix of melodramatic protest and playful reproach. "Your cute, adorable sister is willing to talk to you, and you brush them off? Have some common sense."

Aqua turned his gaze toward his sister, a touch of indifference lingering in his eyes. He couldn't help but crack a faint smile at her persistence. He knew Ruby well enough to realize that she wouldn't give up easily, and he found her tenacity amusing, even if he preferred solitude at times.

With an almost imperceptible sigh, he finally relented, deciding that engaging in a conversation with Ruby was perhaps a better choice than facing her continuous antics. "Fine, I'll talk to you," he conceded, his voice casual yet tinged with an underlying fondness for his spirited sibling.

Ruby's eyes sparkled like effervescent sparklers on a warm summer night as she leaned in towards Aqua, her excitement palpable. "That's great," she whispered back, her fingers drumming playfully on the edge of her seat, brimming with eager anticipation.

Her mischievous gaze shifted toward Aikara, her fellow seatmate, and a playful grin danced across her lips. "So, Aqua nii," she began with a twinkle in her eye, her tone conspiratorial, "Can you see the people Aikara's talking to? They seriously give me butterflies!" She fidgeted with a bundle of nervous energy, her words tumbling out with infectious enthusiasm. "They all look so popular, and I feel like they'll totally bully me if I interrupt them."

She batted her eyelashes innocently, hoping Aqua would join her in sharing this lighthearted moment of amusement. Instead, he looked at her with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"What's with your stereotypes about popular kids? Aikara's a popular kid, and you don't see him bullying people," Aqua retorted matter-of-factly, as if his sister's assumptions were completely unfounded.

"What are you talking about, Aqua nii?" Ruby laughed, her eyes wide with amusement as she found the notion preposterous. She playfully nudged Aqua with a bright smile. "There's no way Aikara could be a popular kid."

Aqua raised an eyebrow, calmly challenging her perspective. "Are you sure about that? Didn't he receive ten love letters from different people in a single day? And don't you remember how he always had a crowd of friends around his chair during break time? Let's not forget the fact that he has a fan club." Aqua's tone remained detached, as if he were merely stating observable facts.

Ruby listened, realizing that Aqua's points held undeniable truth. She found herself a bit shocked at the realization, as memories of her middle school friends asking for Aikara's number flooded her mind, painting a vivid picture of his undeniable popularity. In fact, it made her wonder why she never noticed it until now.

Lost in her thoughts, Ruby turned her attention back to Aikara, her once playful demeanor giving way to a contemplative silence. Throughout the entire entrance ceremony, she remained quiet in her seat, her mind preoccupied with this newfound discovery about other brother. Aqua, on the other hand, returned to his usual state of indifference, seemingly unaffected by the revelation.

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