The Week Before Tokyo Dome

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Ruby found herself standing alone in the dance room of her apartment, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. She mustered up the courage to start moving, cautiously and deliberately. However, as she lifted her foot off the ground, her balance betrayed her, causing her to crash down with a pained groan, her arms instinctively shielding her face.

Frustration overwhelmed Ruby's thoughts as she contemplated giving up and retreating. But before she could act on those defeated intentions, the dance room brightened as a familiar voice reached her ears.

"Oh, are you practicing your dance?" Ai's voice chimed in, catching Ruby's attention as she looked up from the ground.

"In that case," Ai continued, kneeling down in front of Ruby and helping her up, "I'll join you. I need to rehearse an old song for our upcoming concert."

With Ruby now on her feet, Ai swiftly moved to the window, placing her phone there. With a simple click, music began to fill the room.

Filled with energy and charisma, Ai launched into her dance routine, leaving Ruby seated in awe, observing her every move.

Midway through Ai's performance, Ruby noticed a flaw in her mother's dance. She couldn't help but speak up, leaving her seat and walking towards Ai.

"Mama," Ruby began, capturing Ai's attention, "that part seemed a bit off. Your hand was higher when you performed at Budokan."

Ai leaned in, curious, as she glanced at Ruby. "Did you watch my concert videos? What a great memory you have," she remarked with a smile, gently patting Ruby's head.

As Ruby relished in the blissful feeling of being affectionately patted, she pondered Ai's words. Of course, she remembered—she had watched Ai's concert videos countless times and had memorized every choreography.

"How does it go again?" Ai's voice broke through Ruby's reverie.

"For that part, it was more like this," Ruby responded, lifting her legs and demonstrating the correct movement. Suddenly, she lost her balance once again, crashing to the floor.

Surprised, Ai exclaimed, "Oh! Are you okay?" She hurriedly helped Ruby back onto her feet.

"Yeah," Ruby replied with a tinge of disappointment.

Observing Ruby's movements, Ai expressed concern, "The way you move, it's as if you're anticipating a fall."

Ai's words made Ruby's mind drift to her past experiences. She recalled the countless times she had stumbled due to her weak body. It was the reason she had to brace herself to prevent getting hurt.

Tears welled up in Ruby's eyes, staining her youthful face with their traces.

"When you fear falling, you tend to fall even more," Ai stated, her smile gentle. She embraced Ruby from behind, enveloping her in a warm hug. "Stand more boldly and lift your chin up. You'll be just fine," Ai reassured her in a comforting tone. "Trust Mama."

Ai's words plunged Ruby into deep contemplation once again.

Her life had been primarily confined to hospital rooms. Her impaired body seldom obeyed her commands. Thus, she always admired Ai's graceful moves from her bed. Her mother's awe-inspiring performances were etched into her memory, illuminating her darkest moments.

If only she could move like that.

With hesitant steps, Ruby began to move.

If only she could dance freely like that.

Her movements gained momentum.


Move more, my body!

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