Prologue Part 2: Noah Anderson

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(9 years later)

"That is all class, make sure to review your notes for the quiz tomorrow." The teacher's voice echoed across the room, signaling the end of the lesson. The students, who had been previously engrossed in note-taking, packed up their belongings and began to shuffle out of the classroom. 

But as they were doing so, some students lingered behind, chatting with their friends or sneaking in a game on their phone at their desks. Others pulled out books and began to read, taking advantage of the quiet classroom.

One group of students huddled together around a table, their eyes fixed on the young man in the center. 

"Hey Noah, can you hook me up with your notes? I promise I'll return the favor," A young man pleaded, his palms pressed together in a begging gesture.

Before Noah could say anything, a young woman with glasses chimed in, "Maybe if you actually paid attention in class instead of dozing off, you wouldn't be in this predicament."

The young man, whose name is Michael, was about to argue with the girl, but Noah interrupted them with a handful of notes.

"Here, my notes. You better ace the exam with them! And when you do, you better give me a shoutout on Instagram. Okay?" Noah asked with a smile.

Michael's eyes widened in surprise, and he reached out to take the notes eagerly. "Thanks, man. You're a lifesaver," he said, feeling relieved that he wouldn't have to cram all night.

As Michael flipped through the notes, he remembered something. "Wait, isn't it your birthday today, Noah? How old are you turning? Sixteen or seventeen?"

Noah didn't answer as his eyes widened with excitement and a wide grin spread across his face as he heard the words. "No way! You know my birthday!" he exclaimed with a mix of surprise and delight. "I didn't even tell anyone. You must be a mind reader or something!" 

"It's not a big deal, Mr. Anderson told me," Michael said, still engrossed in the notes.

Noah nodded his head enthusiastically "I see, I see. It makes sense for them to spread personal information like that."

Michael looked up from his notes, suddenly getting an idea. "So, do you want to celebrate your birthday? As a way to thank you."

Noah's eyes lit up. "Really? That's so kind of you, but it's not necessary. My notes aren't worth that much."

"Nonsense," Michael said with a grin. "You've been a great help to me, and I want to show my appreciation. What do you like to do for fun?"

"Let's see, I like playing games a lot. In fact, I love them!" He exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I see, then I'll take you to Timezone, how about you guys, do you want to join?" Michael turned to the group of students that surrounded Noah and asked.

"Of course, it would be great!"

"Sure thing."

"Sure, I'll make sure to bring presents."

Michael turned to Noah with a grin. "That's decided then! How about we celebrate in style at five pm?"

"Sure thing" Noah returned that grin.

Noah continued to chat with everyone, his contagious laughter filling the room as he shared funny stories from his weekend. The group hung on his every word, not wanting the conversation to end.

Eventually, they were interrupted by a student who said they needed to clean the room so they were chased out.

Noah stepped out of the campus and stretched his arms above his head, feeling the sun on his skin. He looked around at his friends who were climbing into their cars because they lived far away compared to him where it would only take ten minutes to walk home.

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