Aftermath of filming

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(Third POV)

As the filming for that particular scene came to an end, the actors dispersed to attend to their own business, leaving the dedicated staff to analyze the footage they had just captured.

One of the staff members sighed audibly as he snatched the script from the table, clearly frustrated. "Jeez, those two kids messed everything up," he complained, his hand rubbing the back of his head in exasperation. "Now, we'll have to adjust all our staging plans."

Meanwhile, the assistant director, seated comfortably with a reclined chair, gazed intently at the monitor in front of him. He leaned back, casually placing his hands behind his head, and responded calmly, "Well, it'll be alright. On a set with a lot of child actors, you usually end up rewriting the script while filming anyway. We're working with young actors, so this should be expected." He wore a faint smile, seemingly at ease with the situation. "Looks like it'll be a good scene. I'm sure Kana-chan will be happy."

With that assurance, the assistant director rose from his seat and headed towards Kana, who was engaged in conversation with Aikara.

"Kana-chan!" he exclaimed, capturing her attention as she turned to face him. "Can you proceed to your final scene now?"

Her eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and she nodded eagerly, responding with excitement, "Yes!"

Quickly, she apologized to Aikara for cutting their conversation short, explaining that she needed to resume filming. Aikara, understanding the demands of the set, reassured her with a smile, saying it was fine, and that he planned to check up on Aqua.

He offered Kana encouragement one last time before departing for the restroom, where Aqua had also gone.


(Aikara POV)

I bid a hasty farewell to Kana and made my way towards the restroom, where I noticed Aqua entering. As I pushed open the door, an unpleasant stench assaulted my senses, instantly causing my nose to scrunch up in distaste. Simultaneously, the distinct sound of someone retching echoed through the air.

Alarm bells rang within me, instantly flooding me with concern. Without a moment's hesitation, I hurried towards the origin of the distressing sounds, my footsteps quickening. Pushing open the stall door, I was met with a heartbreaking sight. There sat Aqua, seated on the floor, bent over the toilet bowl, as waves of vomit spilled onto its edge. His face was drained of color, his once-tidy hair now disheveled as it cling to his perspiring forehead, and traces of sickness dotted the surrounding area.

Concern flooded my being, and I immediately knelt down beside Aqua, placing my hand on his back as I gently began to pat it. Countless possibilities raced through my mind, attempting to decipher the cause of his sudden illness. His complexion had paled noticeably, a stark contrast to his previously healthy appearance. Reflecting back, it became apparent that his condition had worsened as we delved into the scene we were performing. Something must have transpired during that moment, triggering his distress.

A wave of thoughts surged through my mind, considering various scenarios that could explain Aqua's deteriorating state. Performer's fright, perhaps? No, that didn't quite fit the bill. I mentally reviewed the symptoms—pale face, vomiting—signs indicative of someone in distress, as my mind retrieved fragments of psychological knowledge I had acquired from my readings.

Thoughts whirled in a whirlwind of analysis, sifting through a plethora of potential mental conditions. With each possibility evaluated and discarded, I inched closer to unraveling the underlying cause of Aqua's symptoms. After meticulously ruling out numerous options, my mind illuminated with a realization—a breakthrough.

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