Siblings conversation

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In what felt like a mere blink of an eye, three weeks had already passed since Ai's unforgettable live performance. 

Aikara played with his toys on the floor, his face radiated with joy and his movements were filled with boundless energy. 

He seemed to be completely lost in the moment, his young mind fully absorbed in the wonders of his playthings. From time to time, he would look up at his surroundings with an innocent curiosity, his eyes scanning every inch of the room with wonder. 

Suddenly, the playful atmosphere was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice. Aikara looked toward the source of the voice, and he saw Ai, carrying Aqua in her arms.

As Ai cradled Aqua in her arms, she couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked. She smiled down at him and asked, "Are you hungry, Aqua? Do you want me to give you some milk?"

Aqua blushed furiously and shook his head, clearly embarrassed. Ai tilted her head curiously and asked, "What's wrong? Don't you want any milk?" Aqua nodded, still blushing.

Ai gently placed Aqua down on the couch and walked over to the table to retrieve his bottle. She returned to him and handed it over, and Aqua eagerly began to suckle on the nipple.

"He sure loves his bottle, doesn't he?" Ai said, a fond smile on her lips as she watched him. 

"You hungry? Want me to breastfeed you?" Ai asked, her tone curious as she looked down at Aqua.

Aqua strongly shook his head, his face reduced to a blushing mess. Ai curiously tilted her head at his response "What , you don't want any?" Aqua nodded his head to her question, his blush still present.

AI nodded in understanding and gently lifted Aqua from her arms, placing him gently onto the floor. She then walked over to the table and picked up his bottle, filling it with warm milk before returning to the crib.

"Aqua really loves his bottle," AI remarked with a smile as she watched him suckle contentedly, his little hands wrapped tightly around the bottle. Aikara couldn't help but chuckle at the hilarious sight.

But then, the sound of a baby crying caught their attention. Aikara turned to see his little sister, Hoshino Ruby, crying in the crib, trying to get the attention of AI.

Ai turned to Ruby, noticing the baby's restless movements in the crib. "Yes yes, you want more milk." she asked, making her way over to the crib and lifting her gently into her arms.

Ruby's eyes lit up as she eagerly nodded, her tiny hands grasping at Ai's shirt.

Ai started cradling Ruby in her arms and began to nurse her. As Ruby continued to get nursed, Ai's milk flowed freely from her breast, and she watched as her little one drank deeply, her soft lips forming a perfect seal around her nipple. 

The soft sounds of her sucking and swallowing filled the room, and for a moment, all was right in the world.

That was until Ruby's attention suddenly shifted to Aqua and Aikara, a devious smirk spreading across her face.

Aqua couldn't help but think, 'This girl.'

In response to Ruby's smirk, Aikara flashed her a charming smile. Ruby's expression faltered for a moment, but then she turned her attention back to Ai and resumed her sucking.

Finally, after a few minutes of nursing, Ai gently placed Ruby down on the bed. The baby girl had a content expression written on her face, her little hands balled up in fists. As Ai got up, Saitou arrived at the apartment and reminded her that it was time for work.

After Ai left, Aqua started to crawl toward Ruby, a deadpan expression on his face.

"You should at least hold back a little." He told her.

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