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(Third POV)

It had been a whole day since that phone conversation, and now another day of filming for the movie had arrived. However, only Ai, Aikara, and Miyako were present on set since the rest of the kids were preoccupied with their own activities back home.

Currently, the makeup artists were carefully applying makeup to Aikara, aiming to enhance his appearance on the screen. As they delicately patted powder onto his face, Aikara couldn't help but let out a small sneeze, feeling a bit unfamiliar with the sensation of makeup on his skin.

The makeup artists couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable reaction, but their laughter quickly subsided when Gotanda appeared. His disheveled appearance and frowning expression made them feel somewhat intimidated.

"Are you ready, actor baby?" Gotanda's voice broke through the air, taking Aikara by surprise. He recoiled slightly since he couldn't see at the moment, having covered his eyes to prevent the powder from getting inside.

"I am!" Aikara shouted confidently. "Just watch me and be amazed!" he exclaimed, pointing in what he believed was the direction of the director, although he was actually just pointing at empty space.

Gotanda chuckled softly as he turned around, bidding Aikara farewell with a wave. "It's good to see you're not nervous. I'm excited for what's to come later." With those parting words, Gotanda left Aikara in the care of the makeup artists.


At this very moment, the upcoming scene being filmed holds immense significance. Initially, it wasn't intended to be part of the movie, as Gotanda believed that no young actor could effectively portray the scene's crucial emphasis on physical expression. However, with Aikara's arrival, the previously dismissed scene was revived and given a new lease on life.

The scene continues to revolve around the spirit of a woman who deserted her family in her relentless pursuit of beauty. It showcases the characters' endeavor to grant her the opportunity to bid a final farewell to her abandoned son before departing for the afterlife, free from any lingering regrets.

"Action!" The well-known call reverberated across the set, and once again, the familiar arrangement of lights and microphones were fine-tuned to enhance the magnificence of the end result.


Today was just a normal day for Kazu, he was sleeping the temple floors as usual as he took a moment to look at the family picture hanging near him.

He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in his thoughts, before he once again proceeded to sweep the temple floors. The soft sound of the broom bristles sweeping across the stone floor echoed in the quiet temple. As he worked, Kazu couldn't shake off the image of his family from his mind. The family picture that hung on the wall near him reminded him of the love and support he had received throughout his life.

Lost in his memories, Kazu suddenly felt a gentle breeze brush against his face. He looked up, his eyes scanning the area around him. And there, just a few meters away, he saw a silhouette that seemed hauntingly familiar. His heart skipped a beat as he squinted, trying to discern the figure in the dim light filtering through the temple windows.

"Mom?" Kazu whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and disbelief.

The figure slowly stepped forward, revealing the graceful silhouette of his mother. Tears welled up in Kazu's eyes as he struggled to comprehend the moment. Was it really her? Could this be a dream, or had he finally lost his mind?

"It's me, Kazu," his mother's voice carried through the air, a warm and familiar tone that instantly calmed his racing heart.

Kazu's tears escaped, streaming down his cheeks as he abandoned his broom and rushed towards his mother. His usually composed demeanor vanished as he sprinted with wild abandon, his every step fueled by a mix of desperation and overwhelming joy. In his haste, he stumbled and fell, his hands hitting the ground with a soft thud.

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