Ai's performance

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(Aikara POV)

["No, that's not true. You have-" Rem tried to reason with Subaru, but she was cut off.

"What do you know?!" Subaru's voice was filled with anger and desperation, causing Rem to flinch in surprise.

"What do you know about me?!" SLAM! The sound of Subaru's shaking fist hitting the ledge echoed through the room.

"This is the kind of man I am!" Subaru's face twisted with anguish and guilt as he faced Rem.

"I have no strength, but I want it all." The image of him leaving against Emilia's wishes flashed in his mind.

"I have no knowledge, but all I do is dream. There's nothing I can do but struggle in vain!" The memory of him failing time and time again to make an army to fight the cult haunted him.

Rem tried to interject, but Subaru's voice rose even louder. "... I HATE MYSELF!" he shouted, his voice choked with emotion.]

As the Japanese words flowed out of the TV and into my ears, I felt myself getting lost in the story. I couldn't help but shed a small tear at the emotional dialogue.

I'm so happy that I got reincarnated because I can watch an amazing anime like this.

Currently, I'm watching anime right now without subtitles. 

Initially, I was hesitant to watch anime since it might seem odd for a baby to be interested in it. However, when I confided in Aqua about my hobbies which include anime and games, he suggested that watching anime and listening to Japanese would be an excellent way for me to learn the language.

Of course, merely listening to Japanese won't magically improve my language skills, so Aqua insisted that I watch anime without any subtitles. Initially, I found it frustrating because whenever I couldn't understand something, I had to pause the episode and look up the meaning of the words. 

However, after a while, I began to realize that my vocabulary was growing, and my comprehension of the language was improving. It was a difficult and time-consuming process, but I knew it was worth it if I wanted to become fluent in Japanese. 

Anyways, the anime I'm currently hooked on is called Re: Zero. It was released this year, so I wasn't able to watch it in my previous life. And as the episode continued on the screen, I found myself lost in the fantastical world of the anime, forgetting about the real world around me.

Just as I was about to reach the climax of the episode, Aqua crawled over and nudged my shoulder, pulling me back to reality. I reluctantly turned my gaze away from the screen and faced him.

"Can you watch anime later? Ai's live show will start soon," Aqua reminded me.

I let out a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that. Of course, I wouldn't miss Mom's performance for the world."

I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to see mom perform. However, I couldn't help but feel underwhelmed after listening to their recordings. Their music was just average, and I couldn't understand why Aqua and Ruby were such huge fans.

Despite my disappointment, I kept my thoughts to myself. Ruby was a devoted fan of Ai, and I didn't want to risk her wrath by voicing my opinion. I knew how passionate she was, and I fear for my safety if she ever found out these thoughts.

Speaking of Ruby, I remember that girl asking both me and Aqua to wake her up when the live show is coming, and looking at Aqua, it seems like he wasn't going to do it.

"Hey, let's wake Ruby up. I don't want her to miss Mom's performance," I said, nudging Aqua on the shoulder as we sat on the floor.

He glanced at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the screen "I already tried to wake her up, but she didn't," he replied.

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