Arima Kana

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Kana raised an eyebrow and let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing her arms defiantly. "Hmm," she scoffed, her voice dripping with condescension. "You better vote, okay! I'm a genius actor after all!" She punctuated her words with a dismissive wave of her hand. (Not me begging for votes😏)

In the current moment, Aikara, Aqua, and Gotanda found themselves positioned by the railing in a picturesque rural town, precisely the location designated for their upcoming movie shoot.

Gotanda peered down at Aikara and Aqua, wearing a grin on his face as he commenced his speech, "Listen up, mature and actor baby. The decision-making process for casting is predominantly orchestrated by the higher-ups." He gestured upward with a pointed finger, emphasizing the need for undivided attention. "The greater the financial investment in the film, the less room for error they can afford. Their primary objective revolves around securing actors who possess the power to attract a substantial audience. To achieve that, they engage in their own battles up there."

A sense of satisfaction played on Gotanda's lips as he carefully positioned the movie script upon his shoulders. "Only a select few highly influential directors hold the authority and privilege to handpick their cast. Alternatively, we have directors who operate within the confines of a minuscule budget, working on small-scale productions. Now, which category do you think I fall under?"

Aqua appeared deep in thought, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he shared his contemplation. "A super big shot."

Meanwhile, Aikara, exuding a vibrant smile capable of illuminating the entire area, thrust his hand high into the sky, brimming with enthusiasm. Confidence sparkled in his eyes as he boisterously declared, "A director of a small-scale film!"

Gotanda nodded approvingly, his affirmation evident. "Actor baby is correct, Mature baby. You could learn a thing or two from him. Indeed, we find ourselves on the set of a low-budget film." The pride in his voice was palpable, leaving Aqua unable to suppress a trail of sweat on his face.

"This guy said it with such a proud tone." Aqua said, his voice amazed at how shameless he is.

With an infectious grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, Aikara playfully began, "You know, I think it's totally okay to be proud. Like, seriously proud! It's almost like he's intentionally dropping hints that he's some kind of mini-film director. Just look at those messy clothes, that slouched posture, that untamed beard, and that wild, untamed hair dancing around without a care in the world!" Aikara punctuated his words with animated gestures, mimicking a messy appearance by tousling his own hair and giving a mischievous wink.

Aqua couldn't help but burst into a hearty laugh, thoroughly amused by the situation. However, the director didn't share the same lightheartedness and jokingly tapped Aikara's head with the rolled-up script he held in his hand.

"Ouchie!" Aikara playfully exclaimed, pretending to wince in pain as he crouched down, dramatically placing his hand on his head where the harmless paper had made contact.

Gotanda, shaking his head, remarked, "That's what you get for insulting my fashion sense. You're much more of a tease than I thought."

"Tee-hee!" Aikara giggled mischievously, his eyes shining with excitement. He playfully placed a tiny fist on top of his head and tilted his head to the side, squinting one eye in a playful display.

Meanwhile, Miyako, who had been observing their interaction from a short distance, approached the director with Ruby cradled in her arms. "Director," she began, capturing the attention of the trio. "Thank you for looking after Aqua and Aikara today."

"Oh yeah, no problem. Has that one issue been resolved?" the director inquired, to which Miyako nodded. "I believe so. Aqua and Aikara will be working under Ichigo Production starting this month."

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