Promotional Event

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(Aikara POV)

I sat there in the stroller, surrounded by my siblings, waiting anxiously for the B-Komachi promotion event to commence. The mere thought of being here sent shivers down my spine. I recalled the time when Aqua and Ruby suggested we attend, hoping to uplift Ai's spirits. I deliberately threw a tantrum, shedding tears and causing a scene—an uncommon sight for my persona.

But what choice did I have?

With each passing day, my body matured and took on more of my mother's features. The beautiful cascade of purple hair, the captivating sparkle in her eyes, the delicate and endearing face, and her petite stature—it was as if I were a mirror image of her.

Every time I glanced at my reflection, a gnawing fear gripped me, making me hesitant to step outside. What if someone discovered I was Ai's son? I knew all too well how ruthless the entertainment world could be, and I was acutely aware of the lengths devoted fans would go to if they ever unearthed the truth about her having a child.

Fear consumed me, a genuine emotion that pulsed through my veins. This wasn't an act or a facade I put on for show. I didn't want anything to happen to her—I loved her with all my heart. She had given me the affection and care of a mother, and though I couldn't be certain if her love would endure once she discovered my true self, I held onto the belief that what we had shared thus far was enough.

Yet, amidst my mounting fear, I couldn't help but notice a subtle change in Ai's demeanor. She had been wearing a somber expression lately, and I couldn't help but wonder if it stemmed from her inability to fulfill her role as our mother or if there was something deeper at play, something I remained unaware of.

Regardless, driven by the knowledge of Ai's despondency, I eventually relented and agreed to attend her concert with Ruby, Aqua, and Miyako. And now, here we were, amidst the buzzing anticipation, waiting for Ai's performance to commence. And as I fixed the blonde wig on my head, I felt my nervousness dissipate.

Lost in my own thoughts, I half-heartedly listened to Miyako's instructions. "Don't push, don't talk, don't run. Just stay where you are and keep your pacifiers in your mouths." 

Simple enough, I suppose. Though I can't help but wonder about Ruby. Will she comply with these guidelines?

Suddenly, Aqua turned to Ruby, his expression filled with urgency, and began conveying his message. "We're here pretending to be here as a staff kids, not Ai's. Don't do anything that would make it seem like we have a connection with her."

Ruby's expression grew solemn, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. With determination, she responded, her words laced with purpose. "You don't have to tell me, I know that. You saw how gloomy mama was right? I'm here because I'm worried about her. I'm not just here for fun and games."

Aqua was about to offer a reply, but their conversation was abruptly halted by a wave of cheers. The crowd erupted in excitement as Ai and her group took to the stage, igniting the atmosphere with their performance.


(Ai POV)

As I stood there, basking in the adoration of my fans, their smiles and cheers filling the air, a nagging thought crept into my mind—a memory of the comments I stumbled upon while indulging in the forbidden act of ego-surfing.

"Her smile is just too perfect, like a manufactured 'pro' smile."

"It feels fake, doesn't it?"

Those comments always hit me the hardest, piercing through the layers of my carefully constructed facade. They struck at the core of my being because, deep down, I knew they held some truth.

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