Yoto Highschool

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(Present time)

(Because in case you guys didn't notice, the previous chapters were all flashbacks.)

"Uh, the next three years, you must all..." The words of the principal echoed throughout the auditorium as he welcomed all the new students that were seated in the front rows. Excitement and nervous anticipation coursed through their veins as they hung onto every word, eager to absorb every detail of their upcoming three years at the school. On the other hand, the upperclassmen and a few nonchalant first-years paid little attention, their focus wandering elsewhere.

Amidst the sea of attentive faces, Ruby sat nervously, determined not to miss a single piece of important information. However, her concentration was constantly disrupted by the cacophony of noise beside her.

She shifted her gaze towards her seatmate and saw Aikara seemingly uninterested in the principal's words, engrossed in engaging with everyone around him. He introduced himself with enthusiasm, discussing his hobbies and inquiring about others in the process. Ruby observed how effortlessly he managed to converse with at least ten people simultaneously, a mix of first and second-year students.

The cacophony of chatter surrounding Aikara made it challenging for Ruby to concentrate. Although she felt an urge to ask him to lower his voice, nervousness held her back. All the students he was talking to exuded an air of popularity and attractiveness, the kind of social circle she had never been part of in both her current and past life.

Her mind raced, drawing from her knowledge of popular students depicted in dramas and mangas, conjuring images of potential bullying if she were to assert herself and request a moment of silence. The thought alone deterred her from speaking up, leaving her feeling trapped in her seat, resenting the school's decision to arrange seating by alphabetical order.

Ruby's frustration mounted as she realized that her chances of listening to the principal's speech were dwindling. She longed to hear the important information being shared, but the chaotic symphony of conversations drowned out the clarity of the principal's words. If only the seating arrangement were different, she thought, she could escape this predicament and truly engage in the assembly.

With a resigned sigh, Ruby finally accepted that she couldn't concentrate on the principal's speech amidst the hubbub of Aikara's social whirlwind. Feeling somewhat defeated, she decided to turn her attention to her other seatmate, hoping for a less intimidating conversation. The thought of joining Aikara's circle of popularity felt too overwhelming at the moment, so she sought solace in a quieter interaction instead. Perhaps in time, she would muster the courage to navigate the world of the "popular kids," but for now, she settled for a more comfortable and less overwhelming connection.

"Hey." Ruby turned to her other seatmate, Aqua, her brother who often kept to himself, unlike his outgoing sibling, Aikara.

Aqua's face remained inscrutable as he turned to Ruby. "What, can't you see I'm listening now?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of annoyance.

Ruby let out a smug chuckle, her tone carrying a bright and confident flair as she playfully raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Aqua nii," she teased, her expressive hands gesturing animatedly in the air. A mischievous grin danced on her lips. "I know you can't hear the principal at all because of Aka nii," she added, referring to Aikara.

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