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Hoarding goods in space: struggling to survive in a crisis world

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Chapter 851 Chapter 851 Justice

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    Ye Fu's primary school was spent in turmoil. Like other parents, Shen Zhen and Ye Baichuan would also enroll her in some interest classes, such as painting, calligraphy, piano, dancing... But what Ye Fu really insisted on was calligraphy


    When she was in the third grade of elementary school, her parents felt that Ye Fu was a little lonely. Although she was very lively at home, she became very reserved and introverted outside. Her parents worried that she had a dual personality, so they took her to the hospital for a test.

    The test results showed that she was very healthy. The reason why she was introverted and withdrawn in front of outsiders was purely because she was unwilling to contact outsiders, and she did not have a dual personality.

    In the fifth grade, Ye Fu skipped a grade for the first time. Throughout the elementary school, she won numerous awards, almost as long as there were competitions she participated in, she could win awards. Every time she won, there was a reward. Her parents opened a card for her, and all the bonuses, including the red envelopes for the New Year, were stored in this card.

    In the second year of junior high school, Ye Fu skipped a grade for the second time and directly skipped the third year of junior high school to take the senior high school entrance examination.

    During the high school entrance examination, Ye Fu even won the 200,000 scholarship for being the first in the city.

    On the first day of school, her name spread throughout the school.

    Because she is two years younger than her classmates, her personality is not very pleasing, and she studies too hard. She is regarded by the teacher as a reference for her classmates. She has always been a marginal figure in the class. No one wants to be friends with her, and no one even wants to be her deskmate.

    Being isolated and being annoyed by her classmates has become her daily life, but as long as the other party doesn't do something, she doesn't care, because in her eyes, there are no such people. She just wants to study and study, instead of using useless efforts on other things.     In the second semester of high school, Ye Fu witnessed a bullying with her own eyes. She was on duty that day, and when she left school, it was already late. To save time, she took a small path, but after entering the small path, she bumped into a few seniors and blocked a girl from the next class in a corner to beat her up.     Ye Fuzang took out his mobile phone at the corner to record the video, and then called the police.

    But this matter did not attract attention, because the assailant was not yet of age, the police and the school gave some verbal education, and the matter was overturned.

    But the girls in the next class suffered double revenge. One day after Ye Fu met her again one day, she was beaten to death. Ye Fu called the police again and videotaped them. This time, she chose to expose these people.

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