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Hoarding goods in space: struggling to survive in a crisis world

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Chapter 361 Chapter 361 Animal Variation 2

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    The workers on the farm all received food, clothes, wood and water from Police Officer Song.

    The food is wheat flour, which has just been ground in the past few days. Each person has a set of clothes, about two tons of wood, and each wooden house has three buckets of ice cubes.

    Ye Fu distributed the insecticide, and there were more and more insects flying in the air. Ye Fu caught two insects to observe their mutation, but found that they were not ordinary insects, but cockroaches that had begun to mutate.

    "It's the first time I've seen such a big cockroach."

    The smallest one is only the size of a bean, and the largest one is the size of a palm. The tentacles on the six feet are densely packed, and the two tentacles are very long and become very hard. When they flap their wings , the sound frequency is very fast.

    Cockroaches are one of the most difficult species to extinct, no matter whether it is extremely cold or extremely hot, there is nothing they can do about it.

    Cockroaches don't actually attack humans, but they are omnivores and can easily carry germs.

    Ye Fu put them into the glass, at this moment, the cockroach suddenly hit the glass like crazy.

    "Their eyes have turned red." Jiang Rong pointed to the mouse woman and the painted turtle next to him.

    Ye Fu took a look, it really is.

    "The poison of the sun stimulates the nerves and eyes of animals. Is this the cause of their mutation? The so-called mutation means that the eyes turn red, become manic, attack humans, or kill each other?" Ye Fu put all the animals in a glass

    , At first, they were wary of each other. After probing, the first to attack was the cockroach, which pounced on the ground beetle of the opponent. The painted turtle is relatively large, and other animals dare not provoke it, but the palm-sized cockroach is not afraid of it. The two Cockroaches actively attack other creatures, and the animals after being bitten by them have not changed much. However, after a few hours, the cockroaches died.

    "Cockroaches bite other animals and die themselves."

    Ye Fu really couldn't figure it out, "Could it be related to the distance and time of exposure to the sun poison? The painted turtle and the mouse woman both came out of the ground, and the cockroaches came from the sky. The cockroaches have been exposed to the sun poison for a long time, so They are more aggressive and irritable, but as long as they have attacked each other, does it mean that when they transfer the mutated germs on their body to another parasite, their parasite will be useless and will die automatically?" Of course

    , These are Ye Fu's guesses, without instruments and data, any guesses are in vain.

    "Is there a possibility that cockroaches are the only ones that carry the solar virus virus. They attack other animals and cause other animals to mutate. As long as the cockroaches are isolated, there will be no problem." Jiang Rong stared at the cockroach's body and said quietly.

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