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Hoarding goods in space: struggling to survive in a crisis world

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Chapter 401 Chapter 401 Exposure to the Sun 6

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    During the day, the farm workers rested in the wooden house, and Officer Song arranged for several people to patrol.

    When the sun goes down, everyone comes out of the wooden house and starts the day's work.

    Today, I have to re-search the land where I planted sweet potatoes and cassava. There are still some missing sweet potatoes in the field, so I have to pick them all up.

    "I'm going to make some compressed biscuits." Ye Fu found Police Officer Song and Qi Yuan, and told them about his thoughts.

    "Compressed biscuits? Are you worried that everyone will be separated when the next catastrophe occurs?"

    Ye Fu nodded, "

    Let's take precautions before they happen ." , There is still canned food in the bag, and I probably starved to death before being captured by the savages." Now thinking of that memory, Qi Yuan still feels scared.

    "But it seems that cocoa butter and cream need to be added into the compressed biscuits."

    Ye Fu shook his head, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, let's add minced meat and flour. The meaning of compressed biscuits is that you will feel full when you are hungry. It's not important."

    "Okay, when will you start?"

    "Tomorrow night, come to our wooden house and do more, after all, you will be prepared."

    Everyone spent the whole night digging in the greenhouse, and finally picked up the missing sweet potatoes in the field. When I came back, although I was not big, there were two hundred catties of sweet potatoes, which was like a huge fortune to everyone. On the way to carry the sweet potatoes back, everyone had a satisfied smile on their faces.

    Sweet potatoes can be made into dried sweet potatoes or made into wine. The pumpkins in the field have also entered the mature stage, and they can be picked in half a month.

    During this period of time, there were fewer and fewer refugees outside. Ye Fu and Jiang Rong went to the junction to check it out. There were no cars on the road, and the houses at the junction were all collapsed. The contents inside had already been searched and cleaned by the refugees from the previous city. .

    Tang Yizheng also built a water cellar. When they came back from the junction, the two went in and took a look.

    Tang Yizheng made a lot of preparations for the severe drought, and piled up a lot of firewood and grain.

    There were fifteen or sixteen people in Tongcheng Farm before, but now with him, there are only fourteen people left.

    Moreover, most of them were women and children, and there were also elderly people over fifty years old. There were only three young men like him.

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