He smells good everytime.

I smile and stroke my hands into his beard.

"I love your beard...do you use anything in it to make it this soft ?"

"Yeah this coconut oil" he says.

I always admire it since we just started dating.

My phone starts ringing on the bed and I look down at it.

Why is an unknown number calling me ?

I decide to ignore it and it starts ringing again.

I pick it up and Zaidan looks at me with his eyes narrowed.

I slide my fingers across it to answer.

"Hey how are you doing ?" a male voice says through the speaker.

"I'm sorry , who is this ?" I ask confused.

"It's been years that you even forgot my voice ?" he says but I still can't recognize his voice.

"Can you please tell me who I'm talking to ?"

"It's your father" he says.

I almost choke on air.


"I already spoke to your mom , how is everything?"

He's going to just act normal like nothing happened ?

Him and my mom didn't end on bad terms. They seperated when I was at the age of 12 but that shouldn't have affected the relationship me and him had.

It doesn't change the fact that he's still my father.

After they seperated he moved to a different country.

He used to call everyday and a month after he just stopped.

It's like I wasn't exsit to him anymore.

The last time he called I was 18 that can I remember of....

"I'm okay"

"It's good to hear your voice...oh and the baby , how is she ?"

"She's fine..."

"Good , married and have kids now...all grown up"

Married ?

"Yeah...not a little girl anymore" I chuckle nervously.

"I need to get back to working now but I"ll call you later...we need to catch" he says.

"No problem okay" I say before hanging.

I let out a relieved sigh.

"Everything good ?" Zaidan asks.

"Yeah why ?"

"Aaliyah me a yuh man enuh , yuh can tell mi anything"

"It's my dad" I finally say.

"Yuh father ?"


"What he's saying ?"

"He just asked how am I doing...not much...but he said he's going to call me back later"

"So would you like to see him again ?" he asks.

"I don't have a problem"

I'm grown now but I still feel like he owes me an apology for what he did.

His phone rings in his hand and he looks down it.

"Give mi a second deh" he says and I nod.

I leave the room and head to Ivy's room.

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