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"No, I'm not going. What if Meer regains consciousness?" Zartasha said.

"But bhabhi!" Suffyan tried to interject, but his mother cut in between.

"Let her stay, Suffyan. Your father and I will go home. We'll be back early in the morning," she said, knowing that Zartasha wouldn't find peace at home. Staying by Shahmeer's side was the best option for her.

"Do tell me if anything happens. I'll also issue a press release so the media won't interfere," his father added.

Throughout the night, Zartasha kept a vigil by Shahmeer's bedside, her hand gently holding his. Memories of their time together flooded her mind, and she silently prayed for his recovery. The hospital staff admired her unwavering dedication, and even though they couldn't understand her pain completely, they respected her strength.

As the first rays of dawn painted the hospital room with a gentle glow, Shahmeer's eyelids continued to flutter, and he slowly regained consciousness. Zartasha's heart leaped with joy as she witnessed this  moment. She quickly called for the nurse, who hurriedly informed the doctor on duty.

The doctor, a middle-aged man with a calm demeanor, entered the room with a smile. Taking a moment to assess the situation, he approached Shahmeer's bed and said, " How are you feeling?"

Shahmeer's voice was weak, but he managed to respond, "Tired and little pain in shoulder"

Doctor nodded sympathetically. "It's natural to feel tired. You underwent surgery to remove the bullet, and your body needs time to heal. But you're a fighter, and we expect you to make a full recovery."

Meanwhile, Shahmeer's younger brother, Suffyan, entered the room. His eyes were moist with tears as he saw his elder brother awake but in such a vulnerable state. Shahmeer had always been his rock, someone he looked up to for guidance and support. Seeing him lying there, wounded and weak, was a difficult sight to bear.

"Bhai," Suffyan whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I never thought I'd see you like this... I can't lose you"

Shahmeer managed a faint smile and said, "Suffyan, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

As Suffyan approached the bedside, Zartasha gave him a reassuring nod. She understood the deep bond between the brothers.

Just then, Shahmeer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zaidi rushed into the room. Their faces were etched with worry and fear, but when they saw their son's eyes open, relief washed over them.

"Shahmeer, oh my dear," Mrs. Zaidi cried as she embraced her son gently, mindful of his injuries.

"We were so scared, beta," Mr. Zaidi added, his voice trembling. "Thank God, you're awake."

Shahmeer reached out to hold his parents' hands. "I'm okay, Mom, Dad. I promise."

The room was filled with a mix of emotions—relief, love, and hope. Zartasha stood by Shahmeer's side, her hand firmly holding his. She leaned in close, and in a soft voice, she said, "You scared me, Meer. I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you. Please, get better soon."

Shahmeer's eyes met Zartasha's, and in that gaze, they both found comfort and strength. "I'm not going anywhere love" he repeated, his voice filled with determination. "With all of you by my side, I know I can overcome anything."

Meanwhile, Suffyan couldn't sit idle, even though the police were diligently investigating the incident. He knew he had to take matters into his own hands to find the person responsible for harming his beloved brother. He received a call from his informant. "Sir, I've got some information."

𝐏𝐞𝐡𝐥𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐫 [Completed] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin