mike glared, his nose flaring. "so you lied to me to get me near her because you knew about our history just so you could use me to arrest her?"

"yes," liam shrugged as if he did nothing wrong.

"wow," mike blew out a laugh. "fuck you," he kicked the chair in front of him aside. "i thought i was doing something good. working with—"

"you are doing something good—"


liam raised a brow. "the irony is funny. that's what you did to her too, right?"

"because you told me to. i don't even remember her, i don't—"

"then why are you reacting like this? it is just a job," liam picked up his scotch and gulped it all down. "you called her a maniac yourself,"

"i didn't know her like i do now,"

at that, liam froze and he turned to face him fully. "you love her,"

"i do not,"

"then explain why are you so upset,"

"i don't know, maybe you picked me up from the hospital right as i woke up, groomed me into this job, told me i was doing real good shit but you're just using me because she loved me,"

"if it weren't for me, you'd be in a jail cell,"

"if it weren't for you, i may actually have a life," mike remarked. "i don't have friends because of this job! i barely see my family! are they even my family?"

liam rolled his eyes. "yes. they are. your father isn't dead though. you just tried to kill him, he made it, your mother and sisters moved to hawkins after that,"

mike blew out a short breath, his head shaking. "i can't fucking believe this. i can't fucking talk or even look at you!" he dropped down his id and other weapons taken from here.

"see, i may have agreed if you had just had told me the truth," mike said. "but you didn't," he added before he turned around, pushing past a guard before he exited the dark office.

looking down at his phone, he didn't even bother to text.

he just called.

it may have been more than two weeks.

two weeks of misery.

but he just called.

deep down, he'd know it would go straight to voicemail or the number had possibly been cancelled.

but to his surprise, the line clicked. "i warned you, mike,"

"then why'd you pick up?" i miss you.

"die." then the phone hung up and for the first time in weeks, he couldn't help but let out the widest smile.

that's my girl.

now he was standing in front of her house, unsure what for but he just wanted to see her.

tell her he was sorry at least.

he rang the doorbell a few times but there was no answer.

till something clicked and she spoke through the doorbell. "i'm going to make espresso bite your dick if you don't leave,"

"she loves me,"

"but me more. she'll bite you," she paused before grumbling. "get the fuck off my porch or i will—"

"cut off my dick? roast it? come out and do it, little devil,"

"i hate you,"

"i can take that,"


"el?" he inched his head closer to the doorbell. "el? where did you go?"

a minute later, the front door open and he instantly smiled from ear to ear. "you opened the door," he stated just as the dogs came running with boo-boo.

"get back, you all. he is a traitor!" el exclaimed and boo-boo whined and pulled back from hugging mike's leg.

"get in the house," she pointed and they all whimpered before going back inside, turning back to give mike a sad look before going to wait for el.

"dante home?" he asked and she nodded. "working. what, you wanna call him out and arrest him?"


"oh sorry, or me? i dunno, tie me down to the bed and fuck me and then take my things and use them? do tell, mike."

"i know what happened, el,"

"oh, do you now? what did happen, mike? i'm so excited to find out,"

mike blinked slowly with a sigh. "you already know, el."

"wow, you know how it feels to be manipulated and used. hurts, doesn't it? how he used your relationship with me to have me taken away?"

he gulped and nodded slowly. "i know i didn't have a car accident,"

her gaze couldn't help but glare, her nose flaring. "i know that too." her breathing become ragged. "they hurt you,"

"did you...?"

"did i what? kill them?" her brow raised. "in my dreams, mike." her brows dipped and her shoulders slumped. "they did that to me too though. hook me up to the machines, electrocute me..."


"i dunno... punishment. but they overdid you..." her voice cracked. "you didn't do anything wrong! you were quiet! only i get punishments!"

"i'm not a murderer, right?"

she bit down on her lip and her head shook. "you just protected yourself, your family. you were little and your mom thought it was safer for you in there. that's what you told me..." she sniffled before she looked up and straightened up.

"i'm still mad at you, mike. you hurt me. you really really hurt me. i don't want to be with you anymore," she closed the door to a small gap. "please leave before i want to cut your dick off later,"

that made him smile. "i miss you, el,"

she glared with a scrunched nose. "die," then she slammed the door on him and he grinned even wider before turning around to walk away.

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