Chapter 1- Tolerate

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The sun shines through the top of the forest green tent, casting a light, yellow glow over my cot and bags. 

I blink my eyes open and squint. I can hear the group talking and doing their chores outside of the tent. I roll over on my side, staring at my dark, navy blue duffel bag and army green "Run Backpack". My black bow-and-arrow is resting on my backpack and my dagger, gun, and their holsters are laying neatly next to my cot. I forgot to turn off the lantern that is sitting in the middle of my tent last night.

I groan. "Great job, Adrian." I mumble to myself. "The batteries are probably gonna drain in two days now. Fucking idiot." I slowly stand up and make my way to the lantern, the tent floor below me is rustling with each step. I turn the lantern off and stretch my arms behind my head. Sleeping on a cot isn't as comfortable as sleeping on a bed but I get a full night's rest so honestly, I don't mind too much. 

I grab a black tank top, navy blue ripped jeans, and my black converses. I don't like putting my hair up, so I just let it hang loosely on my shoulders. 

I put on a black belt to hold my dagger and gun holsters and step outside of the tent, squinting at the bright sunlight. 

"Well, look whose finally awake." I roll my eyes as a voice from above me speaks. I don't respond, I can't figure out if I tolerate Dale or hate him like I do most of the group. "Still not speaking much, huh? Well, you're going to have to talk to someone at some point." I glare up at Dale.

"I do talk to people. I just don't like you guys."

"Your dad and sister don't count." Dale retorts, chuckling. 

I roll my eyes again and walk away, I feel like every time I speak to anyone in this god-forsaken group I lose more and more braincells. 

I spot Alyssa sitting at a picnic table with Carl, eating cereal.

I groan at the sight. I don't like Carl, all. But I like him more than I do some of the people in this group. I usually cling to Alyssa's side like a parasite because whenever I'm around my dad he tries to get me to talk to other people like I'm a shy six year old. 

I turn and walk towards my dad who is talking to Lori. I'm pretty sure everybody knows they're hooking up...or dating...I don't know. But I've known Lori my whole life and I still don't know if I like her. I miss Carl's dad though, Rick. He was more of a father to me than Shane is.

I don't want to go over there because the fact that my dad is basically drooling right now while talking to her. 

I decide to just sit at a random seat next to the burnt-out fire-pit and sharpen my dagger on a rock. I plan to go hunting later today and teach Alyssa how to shoot a bow-and-arrow. Sophia spots me and makes her way over to me. God, I can't stand her. 

"Whatcha doin'?" Sophia asks, putting her hands behind her back and rocking back and forth on her heels. 

"Taxes." I mumble. Sophia laughs way too loud. "Silly, there are no more taxes!" I roll my eyes. I contemplate stabbing my eye out with my dagger, it would be less agonizing than this. 

Sophia sits in a camping chair next to me. "Your dagger is already really sharp, why sharpen it more?" I inhale and swipe my dagger on the rock again, this time rougher. "Because I need to make sure it doesn't dull down while I'm surrounded by Walkers." I say, flatly. She nods in understanding. "Oh."

I think Carol gets the hint that I don't want to talk to Sofia, so she calls for her to help her de-scale a fish. 

"Coming!" Sofia calls back and jumps up and runs over to Carol. I look at Carol but don't say anything. 

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