Chapter nineteen

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     Suddenly as we were all fearing for our lives, we heard a rumbling sound. I noticed a slight shake in the building and i knew if we didn't escape we'd be crushed to death. "Run!" I shouted, and we ran through the long hallway of doors. Though we were running, I felt as if it took longer than it did before. Everyone was yelling inaudibly, cussing, or just screaming.

     I opened the last door and  ran to the side to see where everyone was. I didnt feel like counting cause it was life or death, but i was pretty sure everyone was behind.

     I ran straight ahead from there with bookshelves falling behind. Almost like an action movie. I jumped over fallen books, and at that moment is the moment I realized that maybe i dont want to die.

     There it was infront of me. The exit. I was tired and exhausted, but somehow managed to pick up the pace and sprint to the end. I turned around to see Naomi and Rylie close behind. They made it quickly, and there River and Luke were still in that building. Luke made it out a few seconds later, but the destruction seemed to become quicker. "I'll be back." Rylie said as she ran in the building to save River. She picked him up, but right before the exit threw River before the building collapsed on her.

     She ended up not making it back. Or so we thought. I saw her arm stick up as she threw a peice of wood that fell on her. I rushed over to help her. She was most likely severely concussed, but i helped her up.

     I carried her bridal style over to where everyone was. She gasped for air and touched the back of her head to realized she was bleeding. "Fuck." She said.
     "Its okay," I reassure her, "theres one last thing we have to do and than we'll go home, i promise."
     "We did this to get justice for your sister and all the other girls that night." Rylie says with a shakey voicez
     "I know."
     "We won't get justice if nobody believes us. Its not like we have any evidence."
     "I didn't know any of this would happen i swear."
     "What did Robbie, Evelyn, Isaac, Olivia, Liam, Xavier, and Quinn die for?"
     "I don't know."
     "Im so fucking scared right now."
     "I am too."
"I guess theres no turning back now. Right?"
"Unfortunately." I said as I looked down for a few seconds. "Umm, guys." Naomi said. I looked up right away to look at her as she said, "the sun is about to rise. We have one last task. If we can finish this we win." I looked to see that indeed the atmosphere was starting to get lighter, but the sun wasn't quite rising yet. At least that meant we didn't have to spend much time left in that hell hole.

We started walking there but Rylie said, "i know this is risky but I can't move and i don't want to slow you guys down."
"What are you implying?" Luke said.
"Leave me here. The sun will fully rise in give or take 20 minutes. I can try and fight off anything that gets in my way before we have to escape. Plus, the last task is most likely gonna be the hardest so the shadow figure will put its all into that which means i have less of a change of death."

I looked at her and nodded. I didn't want to take chances, but it was the final task. We all ran to the destination where an empty feild was there. Or at least it was empty until i looked up and saw things floating. Like a lot of things floating. My nose started bleeding again as my ears started ringing and thats when i blacked out.

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