Chapter eleven

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     I started sprinting down the hallway with River close behind. Everyone else started running as well. The closer we got to the end of the long dark hallway, the louder the screams got. It seemed like the hallway was even longer than it had been before, but I finally reached the end.

     As soon as we got to an open space, River passed me and started bolting downstairs. I went after, than Rylie, than Quinn, Xavier, Naomi, and Isaac. All of us reached the next floor safely, but this floor the steps creaked more every step.

     River carefully made it down every step. Once they finished it was my turn. I carefully stepped down each step as my heart pounded more and more. The steps felt wobbley, but alas I made it down. In the distance I heard Luke scream, "River! River! I need you! Please help me!" I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to split up.

     Next Rylie went. She tried rushing down, which started off well, but her foot fell through the last step. Me and River each grabbed one of her arms and yanked her out. As much as I hated to do this, I said "Naomi, will you make sure everyone else gets down quickly? I don't think we have time. We must save Luke."
     "Of course. Go. I don't want another person dying today." She responded.

     Me, River, and Rylie rushed out of the building, but where the door used to be was now just a wall. All around the room was just a wall with no opening.

     Naomi made it down stairs, but unfortunately the room started shrinking. It was slow, but there was no doubt that within the next 5 minutes, if we didn't find a way out, we'd all be crushed  to death. We probably don't even have 5 minutes to save Luke, nonetheless time to break the wall and save him in time.

     I wanted to give up, but I didn't want to loose my best friend. I took a deep breath and ran to the wall and body slammed it. The wall cracked a little bit, but not much. I took another deep breath as I stepped and and body slammed it again. The crack in the wall became bigger, however the wall started caving in on us even faster.

     Xavier made it down the stairs, and helped create a hole in the wall. It wasn't big enough to fit through, but it was something. He kept repeating that as I kicked the wall.

     Quinn was half way down the stairs when he fell through. After he fell through the steps disappeared in thin air moving from bottom to top until the steps were nonexistent. Quinn couldn't get up, and Isaac was too scared to jump down. The wall was getting smaller and smaller until it ended up pushing Isaac. He landed just inches away from Quinn, and now neither of them could move.

     Suddenly, we heard a scream, and the building suddenly wasn't there. I turned around and saw Luke. He had just hit the ground by the time I saw him. River ran to him, but he wasn't breathing. I ran over to him too. River started crying, and I grabbed Luke's wrist, but I couldn't find a pulse. I kept looking, but I didn't feel anything. My eyes began to tear up, and I could see Rylie looking at him in shock.

     "Please Luke please!" River begged, "I can't do this without you. I need you. I can't loose you. Please Luke... I love you." River started crying hysterically. I was crying a lot too, and so was Rylie. I could see Isaac become even more sad in the distance, and I think I saw a tear or 2 fall from Xavier. Him of all people was the one I'd least expect to cry.

     From the distance, Quinn looked over and then down. We all cried a for a few more minutes, however, we didn't realized Naomi had left. "Naomi," I called, "where are you? Naomi?" Nothing. I kept calling for her, but a few seconds later, Rylie interrupted by saying "I feel a pulse."

     River wiped away tears, and than sniffled for a second. I looked at him too. Anticipation lasted what felt like ages, until Luke finally took a gasp for air. River helped him up, and he held him in their arms for a few seconds. I rushed over to Luke and gave him a hug. As much as I was happy Luke wasn't dead, I broke up the happiness by stating "Naomi is missing. We need to find her." Just as I stood up, Naomi said "I figured it out."

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