Chapter thirteen

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     The flashes stopped, and I wasn't surprised to see that I was on the ground. I got up and looked at the cameras, and I saw Luke and River arrive to their areas first. There was a giant pool that looked to only be 6-feet deep.

     River took their shirt off and went into the pool. Luke than took his shirt off and hesitantly went into the pool as well. River went underwater for a few second, which I assumed was to find a way out. Since I don't have an underwater veiw, I couldn't see much. Well, I could see 6 red glowing buttons, which I assumed would be the way to complete that task. However, I looked for a minute and studied the buttons, but the water made them distorted and it was hard.

     I then saw Naomi and Xavier get you their place. Unfortunately it was an outside camera veiw so I couldn't see anything which made the job really shitty because I couldn't help.

     Finally Rylie and Quinn got to their maze, and I was able to see an overhead veiw of it. Thankfully it didn't look too hard. The only bad part was that it was dark so if you ran into a wall that would hurt. I trust them though because they're smart enough to feel for the walls unlike River would do and just walk right into them a million times.

     I was looking from camera to camera trying to figure out how to escape, when I saw River splashing Luke, and he started splashing them back as well. I can't hear what's going on, but I assumed they were both laughing.

     They looked into each others eyes and slowly got closer to each other. They both grabbed each others hands and kissed. Luke pulled away for a second and smiled, and then they started kissing each other more. Though I didn't want to interrupt their cute moment, I knew they had to so we don't have to risk all of us dying.

     I decided to give them a few seconds more since I knew they might not have a moment again. It escalated quickly when River started kissing Luke's neck, and I quickly called it off. "Break it up you two, we have to finish this task."

     They quickly backed away from each other, and looked up at the camera. "Go press the buttons so we can finish this." I instructed. River dove underwater and observed the buttons. After a few seconds, they popped back up and said, "the buttons have numbers."

     They proceeded to go underwater and hit the buttons in number order. They came up for a few breaths, than Luke popped up, and second later River had popped up after pressing the final one.
     "Good job." I had said. I unfortunately spoke too soon because a glass wall surrounded the pool as it quickly started to fill up.

     They were struggling to keep themselves afloat. As the water was almost at the top, leaving barely any air, River began banging their fists on the roof. Very little damage was done. It had now filled up all the way, and Luke started helping, but unfortunately started loosing breath and sank a little bit.

     River reached for him, but he was too far to grab. River began banging again, but no luck. Then they went to the side of the pool and banged on that. A small crack appeared, and they banged a few times more until it shattered. The pool lost all of its water, and it turned into a regular feild. Luke began coughing up water as River sat him up. Luke stopped coughing, and River helped him stand up.

     They hugged for a second, than grabbed their shirts before heading back. They held onto each others hands they walked back.

     That's when I saw Xavier and Naomi again. However, there were also 2 other people from our school with them. Their names were Olivia Archer and Liam Griffin. Olivia is a senior and Liam is a freshman. Naomi and Xavier looked so upset. I wasn't sure why since I wasn't paying attention to them, but then I saw them stab them a few times. I felt a bit nauseous, and I saw them crying. Suddenly the shed went away, and they walked away slowly. I then looked at Rylie and Quinn. They were towards the end of the maze and easily made it out.

     As I saw the maze crumbled, I heard footsteps. I turned around and I saw the shadow again, but this time it was smaller and a little bit slower. It swirled around me and then I blacked out.

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