Chapter five

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It was now Monday and I had to go back to school. I really did not want to go. I hate almost everyone at school, but at least after this year I only have to put up with one more year of bull shit. I grabbed a random hoodie so I could hide the mark my mom made, and I grabbed a pair of ripped jeans, then I went to the bathroom to shower. I made it quick, only about 5 minutes, then I covered myself in a towel and blow dried my hair. I got changed and brushed my teeth before grabbing my skateboard and heading to school.

Unlike most days, I didn't go to Luke's house to go to school together, instead we met in the Starbucks parking lot and grabbed breakfast and a drink. I got a croissant and a caramel latte, and he got some vanilla drink and a croissant. We rode our skateboards carefully the rest of the way, which wasn't far considering it was across the street from school because most of the people at our school get Starbucks to start off their mornings. Honestly thats a great business method for them.

We went into a lounging area that almost nobody goes to, and we ate our breakfast. Rylie and River came too, and we all talked a little. Rylies class is the opposite side of the school from me and Rivers, so when the warning bell rang, we went our separate ways.

When school was over, we were going to Rylies house to practice, and while I grabbed my skateboard as I waited for them I saw Isaac. I grabbed my skateboard, and started riding it, hoping he wouldn't see my but he did. He started walking over to me, and I was getting really anxious hoping someone from our band would make it to me before he did. Instead, he came up to me and said "I really need to talk to you, like right now."
"What the fuck do you want?" I asked.
"Please, can we just go somewhere in private?" He said.
"Why? So you can make fun of me when I have nobody to back me up or to witness how shitty you treat me? No thanks."
"I promise, it's nothing like that, can we please just talk?"
"I've lost my trust in you."
"Just trust me in this, I promise I won't hurt you or say anything, we just need to talk."
"Fine, but if you do or say anything offensive I won't think twice before throwing a punch at you."
"Honestly, I deserve it."
"Yeah, you're a douche."
"Let's just go to somewhere so we can talk in private."
"Alright I guess." We went to the side of the school near the dumpsters. People usually smoke in that area, but today nobody was there.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Look, I know I've been a bitch lately, and I'm not asking for you to forgive me or anything, but." He paused.
"Say it already."
"Okay, so this is gonna sound crazy, and I understand if you don't believe me, you have every right not to, but I think I know what actually happened to your sister and how she died."
"I swear to fucking god if you say anything about my dad." I pushed him back, and his arms raised up as he gave a slight laugh. "I used to think it was your dad, but me and Evelyn have been talking, and-"
"Oh of course Evelyn told you about this. So basically the only reason why your talking to me is because Evelyn told you to? Fuck you." I tried walking away but he grabbed my arm.
"Look, Evelyn told me about how she doesn't think it was your dad, and at first I thought she was going crazy, but then I started realizing things. There was no way your dad could've tipped over that tree house, there wasn't any power tools, and that tree is way too big to knock over, and just seconds after that tree fell over, that's when your sister and Celia died, so I looked at it, and that's when I realized, there must be something causing all of this and he- it wants to be found, and that's why Ethan is dead."
     "So what your saying is there must be something and you being the 'big' 'strong' man you are, you want to discover this thing?"
     "Look, I get that you and Evelyn are basically dating, but this case can be solved without you." I walked away back to the spot I was originally at while he just stood there speechless watching me walk away.

     Everyone was there already. "Where were you?" River asked.
     "Isaac was talking to me about some shit saying he wants to get justice for  my sister. I don't believe a word of his bull shit." I said.
     "I wouldn't either." River said.
     "Anyways let's go." Rylie said. We went over to Rylies house and practiced. The entire time River seemed out of it. I noticed right away, but I thought I should just leave it be for a while. We kept playing, and the more we practiced the more they seemed like they were going to breakdown. We took a break, and I asked them, "River, are you okay? Is something happening?"
     "Yeah River, are you alright?" Luke said.
     "What's wrong?" Luke said.
     "Recently my parents have been fighting all the time. I can't get any sleep, they just scream at each other all night long. It's gotten so bad, they've started physically fighting each other, and now they're starting to abuse me." They rolled up their sleeves to show all the cuts and bruises all over their arms.
     "I'm so so sorry." Rylie said.
     "It's fine," River said, "I just really hope this all stops. Last night I heard my parents talking about getting a divorce. I've never seen them this mad at each other or even be mad at all at each other. Now it seems like they're 2 completely different people, and I don't know them anymore. I feel like I can't even cry anymore without them yelling at me for showing emotion." They wiped the tears from their eyes as I gave them a hug. Luke and Rylie did too.
     "Do you want to stop practicing for today? We could just have the rest of practice be a vent for you." Rylie said.
     "Yeah." River said. Eventually, Rylie asked to talk to me in private as Luke and River talked.
     "I know this is probably bad timing, but." Rylie said, "today Luke told me that he likes River, like... like likes him, so I wanted to give them time alone."
     "River told me he like likes Luke." I said.
     "Should we play match maker and set them up? Since they both like each other, but knowing them, neither of them will say anything." Rylie softly spoke.
     "Yeah. We should set them up on a date or something, because they both like each other. Maybe that will get something to happen between them? I'm not sure though."
     "We can try."

     We went back to River and comforted him more until we left. River didn't want to go home, but I honestly don't blame him. I mean, I wouldn't want to go back home either. When I got home, I did my homework then called it a night and allowed this new information to settle into my mind before I fell asleep.

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