Chapter fifteen

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The book had everything. How it started. How it ended. However, there was only a few words in English, and the rest of it was in some code language. I wanted to see if I could say anything and maybe they could hear. I wanted to say "guys, I might've figured something out" but as I tried to say it, my voice was nonexistent. Not a sound travelled out of my mouth.

As I began reading the book, my head started to hurt, and I grew exhausted. I got up and walked around trying to find any other clue, but there was nothing. I sat down on the floor, and took a deep breath.

     I have no idea how, but as much as I was trying to keep myself awake, I ended up falling asleep. I was having a lucid dream because I knew I was dreaming, except I couldn't do anything in my dream.

     I started walking around, as I saw Xavier. He looked scared. I knew I was in a dream, but I walked up to him to give him a sign. Suddenly he just vanished away, as the room I had been walking around in as I dreamed slowly turned into the dark endless void I had been in.

     I opened my eyes, and I saw the book floating infront of me. I grabbed it, and suddenly it brought me to a whole new page. There was what looked like a person holding a gun, and everyone else in a circle around them with some symbols at the bottom. I think the person holding the gun was someone having to kill someone in the circle for the thing to die. But the more I looked, I realized the person in the middle probably had to kill themselves as the others circled and watched.

     I turned the page, but it was fading. So was the next page, and the next, one page after the other fading until it was that one page left. I opened to it again, and the book turned into this dust. The dust fell on the floor and made symbols that looked just like the ones in the page. I looked at it for a minute, and just as I was starting to figure it out, it all vanished.

     The symbols were so distinct that I couldn't remember exactly what they looked like. How fucking great. First, I have no idea what's going on and no way to contact anyone, and now the one clue I find vanishes.

     I remember back to the picture. I think someone has to make a sacrifice as the ones get into a circle and do a chant. Now I just need to figure out what the chant is, which will be hard if I have no way to see what it is now and it's in a completely different language.

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