Chapter nine

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As River and Luke let go of each other, Quinn, Isaac, and Xavier started walking towards where the shadow went. Soon after, Evelyn and Naomi followed. Rylie gave me a look, and I signaled Luke and River to follow along. As all of us were walking towards it, the shadow started slowly moving towards us, then it started circling us. The circling began to go faster, and kept getting faster until it just looked like a dark circle was trapping us. It quickly faded, and we were all in shock.

     My heart began to race, and I started feeling lightheaded. I just shook it off, but then I noticed everyone was gone. Nobody was near me and I just saw darkness surrounding me. I started hearing voices. One said, "you're all alone." Another said, "all of your friends are gone because of you." Those 2 phrases started repeating, then more and more started coming in. Over lapping each other and getting louder and louder until my head was pounding. I closed my eyes and screamed for them to stop but not a single sound was coming out of my mouth. I fell back and my head smacked the cold hard ground, and when I opened my eyes I saw everyone surrounding me.

     I gasped for air as Luke helped me off the ground. "Are you okay?" he asked, worried.
     "My head hurts a little," I replied, "but I guess?"
     "Are you sure?" He said, "you answered as a question."
     "I mean I saw something," I said, "something from the future I think."
     "What do you mean?" said Naomi.
     "Well, I saw darkness. And I heard voices. Loud. Repetitive. Irritating voices." I said.
     "What did the voices say?" Asked Rylie.
     "Things like I'm all alone, everyone's dead because of me, I should just die. Things like that." I answered.
     I saw Luke look at the ground. "There's really no escape, is there?"
     "I promise, I'll let you and River and Rylie and Naomi and Quinn and Xavier and Evelyn make it out of here safely." I said.
     I heard the annoying ginger say, "what about me?" To which I replied, "go suck a dick, bitch." He just rolled his eyes at me, but I honestly didn't give a fuck.

Evelyn mumbled something, but since it was a mumble I couldn't hear her. I didn't know whether or not I did want to hear it, but curiosity was getting to me. I didn't want to be rude and ask, but Isaac said "what did you say babe?"
"Oh, I was just talk to myself." She nervously laughed. I obviously knew she wasn't talking to herself, but I didn't want my final moments alive to be me being a bitch. I did gag a little bit when Isaac said "babe" but I of course didn't make it obvious.

     We continued walking through the death trap in the woods. We originally in a weird pattern that Evelyn put us through that just made us end up exactly where we started. "Let me lead." I said.
     "Ugh fine, I guess you can lead." Evelyn responded.
     "Thank you." I said, as I started walking while everyone followed behind. I walked straight for a while as Evelyn and Isaac held hands and flirted with each other. I wanted to jump off a cliff. They were torturing my ear drums. I finally turned to the right than weaves through a couple trees when I stepped on a branch that snapped. I looked down for a second to see a trail of rocks.  I started walking on the trail when I heard Isaac say, "why are we walking on the trail. It's obviously gonna lead us all to our deaths."
      I turned back and dramatically sighed. "Well unlucky for you I have a death wish so if I lead you to your death, oh well." I then quietly mumbled to myself, "it's not like you lived you be a good person anyways." I think River heard me though because their eyes widened for a second.

     We kept walking until the trail stopped. Everything suddenly turned pitch black, and I got a chill running down my spine. I could see everyone else could as well, so I assumed the thing that killed my sister was behind all of this. Suddenly a candle lit, than another candle, than another, until a long trail of candles led down this mysterious path. I hesitantly walked along with this trail until I was almost at the end than I paused. It reeked of something that I'd never smelled before, but then I saw the dead bodies of all my sister's friends stacked on top of the other. I took a couple steps back and looked behind me to see that once again, I was all alone, but this time instead of hearing voices, I saw the horrific sight of the deaths of everyone.

     My sisters friends plummeting onto the cold, hard ground than getting crushed by wood and everything else they had, than the horrific sight of my sister getting stabbed over and over and over again. The memories all flooded back to me, and I couldn't help but drop on the floor and sob.

     As soon as my hands touched the ground I had a tingly feeling before getting quick flashes of what's gonna happen. The traumatizing sight of everyone and how they die. And not just the people who came here, everyone in this world. The flashes were way to quick to process, but from what I could, I got a twisted feeling in my stomach and I felt queasy.

     I took my hands off of the ground and slowly got back up just to be pulled to the ground again. I saw a bright like, then opened my eyes to be in Rylies arms with everyone screaming in horror, but not because of me, but because Luke was gone.

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