Chapter 15

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Once they reached back to the East Senturie, Thomas wanted to find out about what Newt had planned.

Instead he was brought to a room to find himself being locked in as well.

Thomas sighed loudly and sat on the bed that was across the door.

He didn't bother yelling or trying to get answers, for now. He thought it'd be best to wait.

Minutes passed, which followed by hours. In all honesty Thomas was getting impatient and decided it was time to get loud.

He stood up and strolled towards the door and took a deep breath before he started banging the door.

"Let me out, or give me an explanation-"

He went quiet for a minute or two to listen for any sounds, but unfortunatly he heard nothing.

Thomas placed his fingers on the door and leaned against it. He trusted Newt and decided to gove him some time.

He knew that if Newt put him in here there was a reason he did so. Thomas was so deep in thought that when the door opened he fell back.

"Newt-is ready to talk with you-"

Thomas stared at the guy for a few seconds before he stood up and followed right behind the guy.

Thomas was curious on why it took Newt so long to 'think', but he forced himself to push the thoughts aside.

Once he entered a familiar hallway he knew he was in Newt's castle. He looked around and rememebered everything that happened here.

He took a deep breath once again before he continued walking down the hall. The tall guy took a turn left and that caused Thomas to walk into a wall.

He looked around to make sure no one saw him fall and got up to follow the guy once again.

At what Thomas figured out they were going down the stairs into some sort of underground room.

"Thomas sit down there-" Newt said while pointing to a seat that was across from him. Thomas nodded and took a seat.

Thomas looked around the room and spotted one or two faces that he knew, in fact one of them was Minho.


Thomas' outburst caused Minho to turn his head to face Thomas. Minho gave him a faint smile which followed by a tumbs up.

Thomas knew whatever this was, it wasn't going to be good, if even Minho is forcing a smile to his face, that means Thomas wont be smiling any time soon either.

Once Newt cleared his throat loudly everyone's attention was on him.

"As you all know why we're here - I will not repeat myself, Thomas is accused for doing something against the law."

Thomas rolled his eyes but he kept his gaze out the window to avoid anyone's stares.

"His close friend Gally, reported to the WHC and now Thomas is banished from all the Senturies, but there is one solution where Thomas could at least live in the East Senturie- " Newt continued.

A mass on whisered spread across the room, everyone trying to guess what possibly could Newt be talking about.

Thomas glanced at Minho but looked back at Newt. He narrowed his eyes at him in confusing.

"What the fuck-" Thomas mouthed to Newt, and all Newt did was shrug.

Some guy clapped his hands 3 times which caused silence in the room. Thomas was glad that there was silence but then again he wanted someone to talk.

He looked around the room, to only find everyones concentrated faces staring at Newt. Thomas could feel his heart pumoing out of his chest.

Newt gulped and stood up and looked around the room but his eyes landed on Thomas and he concentrated on him only.

"This is the only solution out of all this-" Newt spoke while walking closer to Thomas. Thomas looked confused as anyone in his situation would be.

Newt reached into his pocked and searched for something, Thomas started at Newts hand and wondered what he was looking for.

Suddenly the lights went out and Thomas froze in his seat looking in the direction he was looking at, at first.

Dim light was turing on but, it was a light shade of pink and red. Thomas closed his eyes and shook his head just to see f he was imagining this or this was the reality.

When Thomas opened his eyes again the light was brighter, and it was pink and red, there was balloons floating around the place.

When Thomas looked down he seen what he didn't expect to see. His jaw fell open and he didnt even know should he smile or run away.

He looked around the room and there was no one there, just Thomas. In front of his lay a box, surrounded by candeles that were making the dim light.

The box was quite big, so Thomas thought it was some papers he had to sign to agree Newt speak about the plan.

He got of his chair and stepped closer to pick up the box. He noticed there was a tag on the box which read.

"Your life depends on what is in this box-"

Thomas slowly and carefully opened the box and noticed a whole bunch of pages and a pen. He opened the first page.

"Terms and Conditions-"

Thomas laughed at the two words, before flicking to the next page.

"Bring the pages and pen- follow the sticky notes on the wall-"

Thomas searched around the room for at least one sticky note, and found one near the exit, he pulled it of the wall.


He continued walking down the hall he stopped again once he seen another sticky note.

"You are stupid-"

Thomas laughed at the so true remark but still continues walking down the hallway.

"Seems legit, but if you were smart- you'd never be doing this-"

Thomas stopped for a while to think about all this, he just brushed it off and continued looking for other notes.

"But thats what I love about you-"


Sorry guys don't hate me for this^

Anyways- small update ~~

Some of you might know already what Newt is at--

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