Chapter 8

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Thomas' P.O.V

"Thomas you cant just leave, you need to finish the testing!" Some woman explained to me. I just looked at her in question and walked out of the room.

"Whats the point, there's no cure anyways!" I shared my point of view with the woman. She quickly wrote something down and asked me again politely to come back.

Once I sat back down a memory flashed into my brain basically out of nowhere.

May 2115

Thomas stood speechless in front of a burning house. He knew both of his parents were in it, why couldn't he feel any emotions at all. At least grief or pain, but no he felt free?

Why does it all always end up like that for him, he thought to himself. He could see Tersa slowly walking over towards him with Max, his brother.

"I'm so sorry, for what happened!" Tersa spoke in sorrow. But both of them knew she actually wasn't. Tersa hated Thomas' parents, like he hated her's. It was just a thing from when they were younger.

Max hugged Thomas tightly, letting the corner's of his mouth curve into a weak smile. Max was a good few years older than Thomas so he wasn't around much. Everyday Max regretted leaving Thomas alone, but he never admitted it to anyone.

Right now Max was debating with his own head in silence while Thomas and Tersa exchanged small talk between themselves. Tersa noticed that Max wasn't being himself but she didn't do much about it, well basically she ignored it.

Max opened his mouth to speak but when Thomas turned to face him he hesitated. The truth was he didn't want to hurt his little brother, he already lost his parents, and saying what he was about to say would be to much for him in one day.

"Thomas what I'm going to tell you now, are going to be my last words!" He thought we would say that but before Max could stop himself from talking he had already said it out loud. Thomas furred his eye brows and looked Max straight in the eyes.

Multiple thoughts were racing through Thomas' head at this moment, he hoped that Max didn't mean it the way he said it, but somewhere deep down he knew what Max meant. He would leave for some reason, and never come back.

Tersa didn't want to make things awkward so she had slipped away from them the second Max spoke. Max once again regretted his decision but decided to tell the truth. "I have the flare!" Max spoke more quietly than he imagined.

"So you are leaving me?" Thomas spoke aloud, he wanted to blame Max for getting the flare but he couldn't he knew it wasn't Max's fault. Thomas wanted to yell out of all the mental emotion he could have felt, but he didn't because he felt nothing.

Max knew if he was leaving he should leave in a bad way, leave bad memories behind, it would hurt Thomas but make it easier for him to let go. Max sucked in a long breath and closed his eyes.

"The thought of you is no fucking fun!" Max sang softly but stopped. Thomas looked up at him, the truth was Thomas knew the song Max started singing, but why was he singing it. Max looked Thomas straight in the eyes and with out smiling like he usually did, he yelled "The thought of you is no fucking fun!" And with those last words Max left Thomas behind for ever.


Thomas' P.O.V

I opened my eye's and my aunt was standing in front of me. She defiantly wants me to finish those stupid tests for the flare.

Chancellor Paige opened her mouth to speak but I immediately cut her off. "You know what!" I started but stopped to take a deep breath. "Once, one wise guy told me something, and I will say the exact same thing to you.!" I let the words flow out of my mouth without thinking.

"Thomas what are you trying to say?" Chancellor Paige ask showing to much clue's that curiosity was actually eating her out.

"The thought of you is no fucking fun!" I muttered out angrily getting up to leave. I kept walking straight not looking back as always and made my way out of WICKED without being stopped surprisingly.

When I got back to my apartment Minho and Gally were getting ready for the party that was being held. I changed my sweatshirt into a button up and some wine skinny jeans. My hair was messy so I covered it up with a beanie and sat on my bed scrolling through my phone.

"The teleporter will open in 5 minutes!" Gally yelled from his room. I got up and walked over towards him. "Thomas I need to ask you something serious!" He said with a serious face so I figured it was serious.

"Do you need to tell me something I need to know!" Gally whispered so I guess so Minho wouldn't hear.

"Is that a question!" I laughed in his face but he didn't even smile. He folded his arms and widened his eyes at me.

"I'm serious dude!" He said keeping his voice stern. I have no idea what he is talking about so I just kept quiet. "I mean about your love life!" He made himself clearer.

"Oh you think I'm gay and I'm secretly adopting a child with my gay boyfriend and that we will live happily ever after!" I laughed at him.

"Well thanks for admitting!" Gally told me and called Minho telling him that the portal is open. "Right Thomas go first and we'll follow!" Gally told us.

I jumped into the portal and in seconds I landed on a hard floor. "Where the fuck am I?" I mumbled to myself fixing my beanie.

"Tommy?" A familiar voice questioned. I looked around but seen no one I waited impatiently for the other two boys to come throw the portal.

For the next moment I knew I was pinned to the wall by a slightly taller boy. "Sorry Tommy for earlier!" Newt whispered against my neck.

"It's fine!" I answered feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Newt grabbed the hem of my jeans and played with it.

"I was thinking--!" Newt trailed off. He started fiddling with the hem of my boxers this time. "I was thinking we should get together sometime!" Newt admitted.

"Um sure!" I answered back whilst sucking some air to breath. Newt realized I was feeling a little bit uncomfortable so he backed off around a few centimeters.

He leaned in slowly towards my face. I felt his breathing against my face, my stomach filled with butterflies and I knew who I wanted, it was Newt.

His lips attached to mine and it felt like everything around us disappeared, like we were in a world of our own. Our lips moved in sync, just basically in perfect timing. My hand rested on Newt's chest and his hands cupped my face.

We kissed in perfect rhythm for about three minutes before I broke the kiss or air. "So what does it all mean now?" I asked Newt in confusion.

He didn't get to answer my question as he fell to his feet and I realized he was drunk. Wait will he remember anything tomorrow. Or did this kiss even mean anything. "This is to frustrating!" I thought to myself and went inside the party.


My dear shucks, sorry I haven't updated in a while, when I get a two week Easter break, I'm the laziest person ever. So anyways sorry for the short filler, just need to write something for you! And when I was writing Thomas' memory I actually found writing in third person easier than in P.O.V's.

So I'm probably going to try and write the next chapter in a third person's view. So did you guys do anything nice for Easter if you celebrate it?

So if your enjoying the story don't forget to comment, vote, read and maybe follow me if you haven't already! And don't forget I always read your comments so if you think the story needs to improve somewhere tell me!..,don't be a stranger!! Love y'all so much my dear shanks!

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