Chapter 14

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I can't wait till September

Scorch trails!


And I might be going on holidays, so I'm not so sure about the updates :(


On the ground, cold, wet, no emotions. No thoughts.

He slowly turned his head, nothing, he turned his head again nothing, silence, not a soul to be seen.

He finally looked forward, the image from the past blurred in front of him.


The woods burned, the leaves rattled, twigs twisted, plastic melted.

His eyes seen it all, but heard nothing, no sound hit his eardrums, nothing made sense.

People fled wherever their feet would take them. Misery, pain, loss all in their eyes.

Thomas stood his ground and started walking towards the city that soon enough would be ash, wouldn't exist.

He was desperate to find the only person that could help him. But his gut told him otherwise.

It was too late.

All the people had either fled to another place, or lay on the ground, dead, injured.

He wanted an explanation, why him, why not Newt. Thomas fell to his knees and placed his head in his hands.

"Why me-" He yelled out with rage. As people ran they still managed to try and pull others behind.

Thomas felt warm liquid on his hands, he sniffled and slowly got up.

He ran further into the city ignoring all the comments he was getting.

"Boy- run the other way" a boy around his age stopped him. Thomas looked him in the eyes and tried to get free from his grip.

Once he got out of the boys strong grip he ran further into the  filled with flame city.

Thomas stopped dead in his tracks wondering, where could Max be, he knew he wouldn't run.

Ever since they're parents burned alive, Max sweared he would die the same way.

Thomas shook his head lightly to get the thoughts out. He took a sudden turn left to avoid contact with fire.

He barged into a house that looked way to familiar. He notices a woman with 2 children on the floor.

He immediately checked the pulse and realized it was too late for them.

He turned around to run up the stairs but stopped because someone tugged on his trousers.

He seen the little boy start to cough, he picked him up and wrapped his jumper around him.

"Hey, do you know Max-" He whispered in his ear while bringing him up the stairs.

All the little boy could do was nod and point to a room.

Thomas immediately entered the room but all he seen was a lifeless body.

He dropped the child and fell to his knees. His head fell into his hands and tears fell uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Max, I love you-"

At that time Thomas was about to give up a familiar figure stood behind him.

Arms wrapped around his waist and Thomas immediately pushed the arms off.

It was like a reflex, so he didn't think much about it. The same arms found their way around his waist once again.

This time Thomas stood up and faced the little boy. He picked him once again and started making him way towards the stairs.

But he bumped into a figure which caused him to jump back slightly.

He closed his eyes and shook his head lightly. He took a deep breath with was quiet hard due to the fire and smoke.


Before Thomas could react he was pushed onto the ground, before a piece of burning wood fell on his head.

His vision was blurry but he could make out a picture of who it was.

"Sir, the hot chocolate-"

"I don't need any hot chocolate now-"

Thomas recognized the voice and tried to stand up but failed as hit foot was trapped.

He yelped in pain and felt more tears stream down his face. The figure ran closer to him and grabbed the little boy of him.

"Take, and go- don't eat him-"

Thomas was unsure about handing them the child but he was more concentrated on his foot.

They were face to face now and he knew it was Newt for sure, Newt leaned in and planted a small kiss on his nose.

"My. Foot.-" Thomas yelled through gritted teeth.

Newt took his jacket off and tried to stop the fire on the wood, once he succeeded he pushed it off Thomas' foot.

He picked Thomas up bridal style and carried his really fast Dow the stairs.

One they were out he ran towards a jeep, that was parked a few metres away.

"Drive-" Newt yelled once they were sat in the car.

Thomas sat impatiently, a million of questions swimming around his brain.

Newt realised he was confused and stared at him for a few minutes.

"You're in a lot of trouble- by WICKED-"

Thomas rolled his eyes at the mention of WICKED. He felt sick at the thought that Gally had betrayed him.

"And what do I do now?-"

Newt forced a small smile to his face but a smirk followed straight after.

"I have an idea-"

Thomas raised his eyebrows and waited for Newt to continue talking.

"But you'll find out when we get back- it'll be more safer-"

As much as Thomas wanted to find out what Newt planned, he had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.

As they drove, they turned East and Thomas sighed loudly looking over at the little boy beside him.

"And what do we do with him-" Thomas suddenly found himself ask out loud.

Newt bit his lip and looked from Thomas to the little boy.

"We'll talk about everything when we get back-"


Sorry, for the wait.

I hope it was worth it :/


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( Limp_au )

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