Chapter 7

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Newt's P.O.V

I open my eyes and I realized, I was in the exact same place that I fell asleep in. I decided to probably let Ryan and Tennah keep the baby. To be honest I do need someone to take over me later, I will probably catch the flare sooner or later anyways.

"Tennah?!" I called out across the street. The girl turned her head at me and tensed up a little bit. She walked closer to me, with each step she took she bit her lip harder.

"So, w..what did you decide N..newt?" She stuttered not looking me in the eyes. Was she scared of me or something or maybe she was scared of what I was going to say.

"Well, I'm afraid to say that you will--!" I started but Tennah broke down in to tears. I hugged her tightly. "Hey, let me finish!" I whispered softly into her ear. She looked me in the eyes and managed to pull a fake smile on her face.

"So I stopped at saying that you will have to go through all the terrible pain--!" Once again I tried to speak but was interrupted by Tennah's crying.

"Newt can you just say that I cant keep him!"Tennah yelled in between sobs. I smiled and started laughing at her."There's nothing funny!" She said with a serious face.

"Well Tennah just let me finish for once!" I whispered. She started backing away from me. "I was saying you could keep the child for shucks shake!" I yelled after her.

"Its not that Newt!" She whispered before nodding and walking away. Well that was strange I thought.

Thomas' P.O.V

I was walking in the misty weather down the road. I actually could not see a thing so I was walking forward by luck. Why did I even decide to go.

I could have been at home by the fire drinking hot chocolate an watching some stupid WICKED program. But no I just had to go out and freeze myself.

I look around for some clues of where to go next but I swear I couldn't see any thing. In the far distance I heard someone move. "Who's there?" I call out and get no answer.

I continue to make my way forward even though I knew it wasn't the best idea. Even though this place is full of cranks I should try and get back to Newt.

"Why are you coming back?" The most familiar voice called at me after a few minutes of silence. I smiled to myself and trusted myself to walk forward.

"Why are you coming back they probably made a monster out of me!" Newt yelled practically a foot away.

"What do you mean why did I come back?" I asked more like myself. I seen and felt Newt coming closer to me.

"Why did you come back Tommy?" He asked with a whole bunch of confusion in his voice. I closed my eyes and tried to think of why I did come back. "Thought so!" Newt whispered whilst turning around.

"Wait!" I called out grabbing Newt by his arm. He stared into my eyes, all I could say was his eyes were filled with mixed emotions.

His breathing was perfect, I look around to find no one there, only us, me and Newt. Mostly silence the only sounds made were the wind and our breathing.

We were standing so close that I felt his hand brush of mine. I slowly look down at his hand and with a sudden movement he pulled it away.

"I..I like you!" I whispered breaking the soothing silence between us. Shit why did I say that, what am I expecting some sort of confession from him. He doesn't even like me anyways.

I turn back to leave but this time it was Newt who stopping me from leaving by grabbing my arm. "I like you too!" He whispered in a soft voice but it sounded different.

He thinks I like him in a friend way. He obviously doesn't even like me, he either meant it in a friend way or just said it not to hurt my feelings.

"I think we like each other in different w..ways!" I stuttered out embarrassing myself even more.

"Just forget what I said!" Newt said in a calm voice but he was obviously trying to hold back tears? Why would he start crying if I'm the one that just got rejected.

How could I be so stupid admitting my feelings for him, when he's clearly not interested. I spotted a tear or two in his eyes before he turned around to walk away. This time I didn't even bother stopping him.

Well at least I get to see him at the party this weekend. "Oh my God, that's why!" I muttered to myself before leaving myself to walk back. I was going to the shopping centre but I have no idea why I decided to go into the woods.

I entered the over crowed shopping centre and started making my way towards the shop I was meant to meet Minho at. "Man where were you?" Someone yelled trying to catch up with me so I stopped.

"I was coming here but then got carried away in my thoughts and ended up in the forest!" I half told the truth and lied.

Minho handed to a shopping bag and explained that he just bought it in case I didn't show up to buy anything.

"I got rejected!" I whispered to myself in disbelief and sat down on a bench. Minho sat down right beside me.

"Man and who is that unlucky girl?" He asked me whilst laughing. "I have such a weird friend!" I thought to myself.

"And who's that you texting there?" I ask in a teasing voice. He fake cleared his voice and straightened up.

"It's that terrible ex of your's!" Minho said whilst texting something like 'Bitch he has no interest in you' I laughed at him.

He handed my his phone after he scrolled to the very top of the conversation. "So, wait she wasn't messing about being pregnant!" I asked confused as fuck to be honest.

"She is pregnant but not from you!" Minho explained laughing at my facial expression. I gave him his phone back before running where ever my feet took me.

When I ended up in WICKED I wasn't surprised I ended up there. "Thomas?" Chancellor Paige yelled for me to come over.

"What?" I asked whilst walking over to my aunty. She didn't say a word just handed me a piece of paper that said different room numbers in order.

"Go and they will test you for the flare!" She ordered pointing to the direction where my first room was. I sighed to myself and followed a guard.

"Hey, dude what's the point of being tested for the flare when there's no cure?" I asked the guy who was in front of me.

He didn't answer me and kept walking straight to where he was told. He opened the door for me and I entered. 

"Thomas, sit down here!" An old man said pointing to a seat right beside him while he was getting all the injections ready.

I sat down where I was told and took a deep breath. "Don't worry it won't hurt!" The old man named Michael informed me. I nodded and relaxed into the seat.


A:N So another chapter.. Thank you guys for all the name suggestions and I really liked the name Tennah, it's unusal so that's why I used it!! I liked all the other suggestions like Hannah or Izzy and I actually might use them later on in the story!

So my lovely shucks let's keep on voting, commenting and reading because guy what 'Limp' got 672 view's. Like seriously wow! So anyways I love you so much my shuckiest shucks there ever was, is and will be!! Love y'all loads <3

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