Chapter 5

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Thomas' P.O.V

I woke up to a crowd of people around me. I straight away knew this wasn't good, so I shut my eyes.

"What if he has the flare?" A male voice asked. There was a lot of shuffling before anyone else spoke.

"Why can't we just test him for the flare?" A familiar female voice asked. It was the woman that injected something into my arm.

"Chancellor Paige said not to do anything to him!" Another voice spoke up. They all were quite or whispering in low tones for some reason.

I felt my eyelids grow really heavy again once nothing was going on and I doze of into sleep once again.


"Did he wake up at all after leaving?" Chancellor Paige asked while I was opening my eyes. I open my eyes and I see that I'm in the WICKED headquarters.

"No, Ms Paige!" A sweet girl voice answered. "Wait, he's waking up!" She called after my aunt once I opened my eyes.

"Thomas what happened?" She asked me sitting down beside me. I mentally face palmed myself before sitting up.

"What do you mean?" I returned a question at her. She sighed and took my hand in her's but I pulled my hand away straight away.

"Did Mr. Newton do anything to you?" She asked in a firm voice looking in my eyes. I rolled my eyes at her and look over at the girl that was here in the room.

"Who the shuck is Newton?" I asked even though I presume it's Newt.

"The prince of the East!" She answered back in such a duh voice. I swear I never heard her talk in such a tone.

"Well yeah he--!" I started but as you already might guess I was cut off.

"Did he inject the Bliss into you?" She asked. I literally growled at her and pushed my lips in a thin line.

"Why the fuck are you cutting me off?" I yelled jumping off the bed I was on. I kept walking straight not looking back hoping to find a way out of this place.

"Thomas sorry, get back, I mean come back here now!" Eva (Paige) yelled at me. I stopped where I was and looked forward. "Continue!" She told me pulling me back into the room.

"He pushed one if those thingy people of me before I was eaten alive!" I muttered and got up again.

"Thomas this is serious why are you acting like a coward?" Chancellor Paige asked. I stared at her for probably 10 minutes with out braking eye contact.

"Did you not realize yet, I am one already!" I spat at her and walked out of the room. "Hey you!" I shouted over at some worker.

"Yes?" He asked me whilst running towards me. I looked him up and down and noticed a tag on his jacket.

"Jack, how do I get out of here?" I asked him. He looked back at the room from where I came from and a worried looked appeared on his face. "She won't fire you, I'll make sure!" I told him and his look softened.

"You go down the corridor and turn left, then there will be guards!" He answered and I sighed. "But there is a way with out being caught!" He whispered interrupting my thoughts.

"Great and you be a good man and show me it!" I said quietly into his ear. He motioned me to follow him and I obviously follow.

"One thing you need to know Alby sometimes guards down there!" He admitted before taking a right.

"Alby won't mind letting me out!" I say more like to myself. We kept walking straight until we reached the end of the corridor.

"Wait here!" Jack said pointing to the left of him. I waddled over and put my hands in my pocket and waited for him to find the right card.

"This system is set that if the wrong card id used it will blow up, so if you don't mind waiting a bit!" He said looking trough millions of cards.

I licked my lips just to moisturize them a little bit and tilted my head back. Jack was stuffing cards into his back pocket when he looked up at me.

"I found the card!" He said holding the card up. "The security system let's one person enter, so when you go in you turn right straight away and then keep walking straight until you end up outside!" He informed me and patted my shoulder before walking back.

I scanned the card through the scanner and the door opened. I decided to keep the card for the future. As I turned right the minute I walked in I noticed there was no light.


After about an hour of walking straight I finally seen light ahead of me. "Why's WICKED so big!" I muttered to myself as I walked out the door.

"Stop, who ever you are!" Alby's voice yelled after me. I stayed turned around and wasn't bothered turning around. "On the count of 3 turn around!" He started. "1...2...3!" He yelled.

Knowing me I would probably turn around on 2 but this time I played it tough and didn't move a muscle. A smirk was creeping onto my face when I heard footsteps behind me.

As soon as he walked in front of me he lowered his launcher and smiled. "Never thought to see you here!" He laughed.

"Emergencies happen!" I say coldly. "Can I go now!" I added in before Alby could say another word. All he did was nod and pointed the direction I should go.

"You know you'd better stay and get yourself tested!" Alby yelled after me. I put my hand in the air and moved my index finger no.

I already knew I didn't have the flare. And with that thought in my mind I left the WICKED head quarters.

I was walking back into the city when Newt's words suddenly got stuck in my head. "Don't believe anything they say about me!". What did he mean by saying that. It's not like they told me he killed a whole bunch of people.

I walked into my apartment and started to take of my shoe's. "MInho, Gally you's hom?" I yelled. I heard footsteps running towards me and next thing I know Minho and Gall are on top of me.

"I hope you didn't get killed!" Minho yelled into my ear. Gally just looked at him and hugged me tighter.

"You know Minho I'm dead!" I said sarcastically and we all started laughing. "I'm starving!" I yelled running into the kitchen.

"The usual Thomas is back!" Gally laughed sitting down beside me, which meant Minho had to make the food for us. All he did was roll his eye's and started cooking us some food.


Guys what can I say you are amazing!! 316 reads is amazing!! To be honest I thought no one would read this! So my shucks if we all stay amazing lets be the shuckiest shucks there ever was! I don't know what I just said there. So anyways keep reading, voting and commenting!! Love you my shucks!

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