Chapter 4

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Newt's P.O.V

"Newt?" I heard someone call my name but I didn't respond to them. "Newt?" Called out the voice louder this time. I still didn't move a muscle. "Newt?" The voice nearly screamed.

"What?" I groaned back in frustration. Silence. I shot straight up and looked around. There was no one there.

"Newt it was always your fault and you know it!" The voice whispered holding back laughter. "Newt you can't just block me out!" The voice screamed.

I jump out of bed and ran where my legs can carry me. "No its not my fault!" I yell running towards the old railway track. "No!" I yelled once again. "No!" I yelled for the last time.

I sat down on an old rock beside a dried out pond. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on my breathing but I failed.

"Newt is everythi--!" Someone started to ask me. I opened my eye and before even looking at the the person just to make sure it wasn't my head.

"No its not my fault!" I yelled again convincing myself it was my head. I stand up to begin running but I was pulled back my a strong arm.

"Newt!" The voice behind me yelled whilst giving me a strong hug. "Its okay I know its not your fault!" The voice spoke softly. I turn my head to see who it was, I was expecting Ryan or Lukas but it was Tommy. My Tommy.

"And how do you know!" The words escaped my lips without me even saying them. He looked me in the eyes and a smile was creeping onto his face.

"I just do!" He answered back. I noticed that he was standing there shirtless so he must have been freezing. I reached out towards with a hug.

"You must be cold!" I started. "Tommy--!" I finished but was cut off immediately.

"It's okay just let's go back!" He said pulling away as if he was uncomfortable. Well of course he was uncomfortable he probably doesn't even care a little bit about me. Who would even brake the rules just for some infected or nearly infected crank from the East. The answer is simple no one.

When I looked up at Tommy he was a few metres forward so I had to jog to catch up with him. It wasn't easy running after him but I had to pretend like there was nothing wrong.

"Tommy, I mean Thomas, we have to send you back to the Wes--! I started but Tommy turned around and put a finger on my lips.

"I like it when you call me Tommy don't stop!" He breathed out and slowly pulled his finger away from my mouth. I gulped at nodded at him.

We walked in silence for five minutes when suddenly Tommy stopped. "I have no idea where to go!" He admitted and let my go forward to take the lead.

"You know Tommy!" I said out loud walking back into the town. "You've gotten more confident since I met you three days ago!" I blabbered out.

"Maybe, not every day you're about the get eaten alive!" He said each word louder and louder. Even I didn't have the courage to look at him after he said that.

"Why are you gone quiet?" He mumbled to me. I stop walking and took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

"Because Tommy I have nothing else to say!" I told him whilst looking him straight into the eyes. His face softened once he glanced at my lips. Why was he looking at my lips.

I shook my head in case I was dreaming and continued walking not saying another word to Tommy.

Thomas' P.O.V

"Why are you gone quiet?" I asked once I realized that I practically blamed Newt for saving me from the crank or whatever you call them. Newt stopped walking which nearly caused me to bump straight into him.

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