Chapter 12

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This chapter contains sexual references, if you don't feel comfortable reading skip this chapter. You won't miss anything, because this chapter is based on a bedroom scene only.

Thomas stared at his shirt crumpled up on the floor halfway across the room, dumbstruck.


The sandy haired boy just looked at him, through his long lashes.

"Yes Tommy?" He whispered softly, his voice filled with lust?

"Are-are you? Are we? I-I mean are we gonna-"



"Shut up Tommy- I need you"

He was so shocked, Thomas did the only thing he could think of. He started laughing. So hard in fact, he doubled over, his chest heaving with each breath.

Newt was not impressed. He issued a line of kisses down Thomas' strong, prominent jawline and made his way down further. That shut him up, for a while anyway.

Once Thomas recomposed himself after being taken so off guard he decided to take control of the situation.

He grabbed Newt's legs and flipped the two of them onto the bed, Thomas on top.

My turn , he thought, his own lust growing at the sight of Newt underneath him, eyes wide.

He kissed Newt first slowly and gently, Newt immediately kissed back. As time went on they picked up the pace. Their lips moved in sync, no noise around, except for their own muffled moans and the soft shift of fabric between them.

Newt reached up and wrapped his fingers in Thomas' thick hair and tugged lightly. Thomas groaned loudly which only made Newt pull harder.

Thomas broke off their kiss and leaned in and placed Newts earlobe between his teeth and let them grate against the soft, sensitive skin.

"Please, Tommy, Please!" Newt whispered feverishly into Thomas' neck. His hands ripped off his jeans, leaving him lying only in his boxers.

"We have a problem here" Thomas growled.

"What?" Newt groaned

"It seems that I am sufficiently undressed. You however," Thomas tutted, "No. No this will not do. Will not do at all."

"Tommy?" Newt asked slightly confused.

Thomas' hands trailed lightly down Newt's back, his little friend trilled at the feeling of pure muscle underneath the thin shirt.

Once he reached the end of the shirt, he paused to look upon the other boy's face.

His long, sandy hair was fanned around his head like a halo. Like he was truly a fallen angel fated to walk this sad earth of death and destruction.

Yet his eyes told another story. It told one of love and lust;and slight annoyance.

In one fluid motion Newt twisted Thomas around and down onto the bed, with himself sitting on Thomas' lap.

"Tommy I likd you and all, but for shucks sake you're slow."

He ripped off his shirt and stared down at Thomas, a smirk appearing on his face.

As Newt straddled Thomas' lap, his hands trailed crazily close to the buttons on his jeans.

"Now it's you're turn to beg." Newt ordered.



"I said. Beg"

Thomas' hand flew to his cheek.

"Did you just slap me?!"

"Oh please! It wasn't that bad. I can do much worse though, so I suggest you do as I say. Good that?"

Thomas didn't say a thing.

"Well then if that's how it is"

But this time Thomas was ready. He caught Newt's hand mid-air.

"That's enough playing for now"

Thomas looked down at Newt and was quite satisfied at the tent between his legs. He reached down and placed his hand into Newt's trousers and grabbed his bulge.

"Tommy!" Newt gasped, agast.

"Really I don't understand why you're so confused. We both knew was going to happen eventually. Let's just get it over already! I'm shucking dying over here!"

Thomas hadn't expected that all to come out like that, but, well shit happens. He let go of Newt's little friend and looked at him, pleading.

Newt hesitated at first but then, eventually, reached down and unbuttoned Thomas' jeans and pushed them down to his ankles.

He looked up at Thomas, unsure yet the lust in his eyes was clear

"Tommy? Do you want me to?"

"Yes, Newt. Yes"

Newt brought his hands down and tentatively pulled off Thomas' boxers, eye to eye with his own large bulge.

"Newt, Please."

He looked up at Thomas quickly, a wide smirk on his face.

"I got you to beg Tommy."

And he brought his mouth down on his bulge.

Thomas gripped onto the sides of the bed tightly as Newt got into a rhythm of licking and pumping his fist in time to the bobs of his head.

Thomas groaned loudly and could feel his pleasure building, soon it was going to burst.

"Newt! Im gonna-"

His load squirt into Newts mouth, hitting the back of his throat, burning, yet he swallowed two large mouthfuls.

Newt looked up from Thomas' crotch

"Tommy you taste good".

Thomas turned slightly red in the face but forced a smile.

Newt leaned in to kiss Thomas was last time, before he pulled away Thomas pulled him on top of him.

"Can we forget about this-" Thomas spoke with hesitation.

Newt didn't take it serious as he happily skipped of into the shower.

So dirty scene done. Just saying I didn't write it and all credit goes to PredatoryInstinct .

Guys I can't believe it nearly 2k reads, like seriously that's amazing. As I said before I thought no one was going to read.

So anyways lets stay a-maze-ing and keep reading this story. And shucks don't be strangers and comment and obviously if you want don't forget to vote.

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