Chapter 9

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Thomas woke up with a terrible headache. It took him several minutes to figure out where he was. Once he sat up straight he noticed he had slept beside someone.

He squinted his eyes to get a clearer view, and he realised he was sleeping in Newt's bed. He jumped out of bed immediatly remembering that he got rejected. He tried to remember what happened at the party but the last thing he remembered was Gally pushing him through the portal.

"Well I guess nothing really happened!" Thomas muttered to himself, whilst ajusting his beanie. Newt opened his eyes once Thomas left the room and wondered who was just in here.

Newt imagined it was some crank that wanted some free food, so he ignored it and started thinking about last nights events. How hard Newt tried to remember something, the last thing before getting drunk he remembered getting rejected by Thomas.

He shut his eyes tight, and cussed under his breath. "Tommy!" was all Newt managed to say before undressing for a shower. Newt really wanted Tommy and even if he got rejected he still won't give up on him.

While Newt was in the shower Thomas was trying to find a way out of this place. He tried to remember at least how he got into the house, but his memory was completely blank. A sudden noise caused him to drift back into reality, a crank knocked over the T.V.

Thomas quietly but quickly tried to get out of this house, he was thinking about what does the flare actually do to a person. And with that thought Thomas walked where ever his feet took him.

Mean while Newt was thinking of going to the Crankema to watch the new movie. He paced around his room trying to remember the name of it. In distance wind blew and it sent shivers down Newt's spine. "Falling in Love" Newt muttered suddenly remembering the name of the movie.


Thomas stood in line for his ticket, he seen a couple of cute girls that he obviously could spend sometime with, but he still wasn't over Newt, even after the rejection. "Room 5!" a young lady smiled at Thomas whilst giving him his food and ticket.

Thomas sat comfotably in his seat munching on his popcorn, when a boy with a familiar scent sat right beside him. Thomas had a feeling it was Newt, no he knew it was Newt, he gulped and turned away trying to focus on the ads.

Newt has also noticed Thomas and was excited at first, but Thomas turned away. Newt decided it would best be to move away to another seat or maybe even another row. He was to busy trying to move that he walked into a girl. It all happened so quickly that Newt had managed to spill his Fanta all over the girl.

"I'm sorry!" He spoke so fast that the girl giggled a little. Newt smiled and immediatly fixed his hair.

"Abi" The girl spoke trying to control her blushing.

"Newt!" He spoke offering his hand. Abi of course shook it and they laughed.

Newt got a couple of tissues and started drying the spot where he spilt his drink. Abi was looking down at Newt the whole time and when he looked up their eyes locked.

Newt started feeling quite uncomfortable but Abi on the other hand was taking advantage of this moment. She wrapped her arms around Newt's neck and kept looking into his chocolate brown eyes. She started leaning in, their faces were so close that Newt could feel Abi breathing against him.

Abi placed her lips onto Newt's. He froze but he pulled away once Abi started kissing him. "Umm can I offer you a drink-!" Newt practically whisper yelled. He took Abi's hand and pulled her out to the main hall.

"Newt, is there something I need to know?"

"No!" Newt simply replied and went up to the food counter. He bought Abi and himself a new drink.

Thomas stood around the corner watching Newt at the counter, he clearly seen that Newt wanted to kiss the girl, but she pulled away. "Thank the Griever". Newt and the girl were walking back into the movie room and when Newt placed his arm around the girls waist, jealously filled Thomas' eyes.

He felt the warm liquid slip down his cheek, he blinked the tears back but the salty liquid kept coming back. This time he used his sleeve to wipe the tears away. He finally felt emotion, was Newt the one that could make him feel emotions again.

The pain was stabbing him in the heart, and it wasn't even funny, he slid down the wall and put his head in his hands. "She's not worth your tears!" A sweet voice speaks beside Thomas. He shot his head bolt up and glared at the woman.

"She" Was all Thomas managed to say, in a very harash tone. The lady nodded and knelt down beside him. You could clearly see that the flare would eat her away soon enough.

She fake coughed to steady her voice. "He's not worth your tears!" She emphasized her voice on "he's". Thomas looked at her and smiled, he wanted to give her a hug but decided against it.

Thomas sucked a deep breath in and wiped his tears away before looking at the woman once more. When he shot a glance at the spot she was sitting at, there was only a note left.

Jealousy is a disease, don't let it eat you.

Thomas carefully folded the small note and put it safely into his pocket. He looked back at where Newt was sitting, he had his arm around the girl. It hurt Thomas but he remembered the note.

He blinked and turned around to walk out of the Crankema and started strolling towards the old broken down train station. Once he got there her crossed the old tracks and started running back to the West Senturie.


A:N Right my shanks I know its been quiet a while but, I have this weird cough and everytime I cough it feels like I'm going through the changing! So anyways I hoped you like the chapter!

By the way if you noticed I tried writing in 3rd person's view, I liked it but it's quiet hard. So if you want to leave a comment which is better P.O.V writing or 3rd person writing.

So as you know I love y'all so much keep reading, voting, commenting and maybe give me a follow if you don't already!

And a personal thanks to the people that added "Limp" to their reading lists, and to the people thats always vote and comment!

And a thanks to @katecastle41319 who gave me ideas for most of the capter and another thanks to @PredatoryInstinct for her annoying obsession with Newt aka Thomas Broadie Sanhster, which basically inspired us to use Abi in this chapter.

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