"Why is this place bigger than our house," Yongsoo jumped out of the car.

"Wouldn't you know? You've been to multiple music shows," Jisung said.

"Still not used to it," Yongsoo sighed,"It's also been a while."

"That's ok. Let's go in, yeah?"


"Hold my hand,"Jisung put his hand out.

"Since when were you so romantic?" Yongsoo took Jisung's hand.

"I've always been so I have no clue what your talking about"


Hot gay: Yongsoo
Where r u
Our training starts in 5 minutes

Yongsue: Sorryyyy
They wanted me to come in last minute
But I'll be at Jisung's show

Hot gay: Ok ok
We'll skip today then 😢

Junjii: Haha
U lost your only customer

Hot gay: Shaddup
i have Taeyeob

Junjii: and i have Sungho

Sixty-NINE: i hate u all
my boyfriends r leaving me one by one
this sucks

Sunghoe: He has the worst case


The two walked into the back of the building where all the idols were supposed to go and told the receptionist what they were here for (I have no clue how this shit works bare with me) they went into the backstage where they get ready at.

The lady gave them clothes to change into and they probably had to change into two other outfits after that. Then they got their hair and makeup done and started playing around until the show started.

"You nervous?" Yongsoo came up behind Jisung and hugged him, trying to not mess up their makeup or hair.

"Yeah, I am. Are you?" Jisung questioned.

"I am too," Yongsoo smiled,"One thing I do before going on stage though is to breathe, so just breathe."

"Thanks,"Jisung smiled back,"It's my song first then yours by the way. We got this."

"Yeah. Bonus is that Wookjin and the other are gonna be in the first row of the crowd"

"So true. 5 minutes," Jisung sighed and did what Yongsoo told him to do to calm down.


"The fuck is Yongsoo at? He's supposed to be here by now and it's starting in like 5 minutes," Junhyung complained.

"I don't know!" Wookjin paced for a bit clearly worried.

"Hopefully he'll be here soon. Maybe he got caught up with more work?" Taeyeob suggested trying to calm down Wookjin.

"He wouldn't miss this would he?" Kyubin said,"Maybe the company is being a bitch and is holding him back?"

"The company isn't that harsh are they? Everyone knows their dating including the company so they would surely let him out," Sungho replied.

"Whatever. Text him, call him please," Wookjin sat down calming down a little.

A couple of rings later,  Yongsoo had still not picked up any of their texts or their calls.

"No answer," Junhyung put his phone in his pocket.

"Let's just wait. He'll probably show up soon, right?" Sungho reassured.

"Yeah, he will," Wookjin relaxed and looked up at the stage.

5 minutes, just 5 minutes. He'll show up

Five minutes passed surprisingly fast and next thing they knew, they were putting their hands together, cheering, and headed up on stage.

The first thing they saw was the hundreds of people in the crowd cheering for them. They got in their positions for the song. The two practiced backstage and surprisingly Yongsoo memorized everything. Now obviously they had not announced to the public  that Yongsoo was gonna be there so when the lights turned on, they could hear a mix of shock and cheering. They noticed their friends in the crowd who were clearly shocked but cheered anyway. Wookjin also finally calmed down which was great.

Jisung's performance was literally breathtaking and him and Yongsoo's interactions were literally chef's kiss. Everytime they walked passed eachother they would literally stare for who knows how long making the whole crowd scream. To end the song, they blew a kiss to Wookjin (which the crowd probably thought was for the whole crowd but yk)

Then Yongsoo's song started and he actually slayed. All their interactions was them about to hand shoot eachother. Jisung's place was probably supposed to be Wookjin's but since Wookjin was just an actor in the mv a backup dancer would take his place. In this case Jisung was the backup dancer.

Now it was time for the cover. They ended up singing far by NotTheOnlyOne's Ten which had way more romance than Yongsoo's rap. They alternated between being Ten and WindMill which was great. Yongsoo sliding was actually chef's kiss.

They finally ended the concert and blew Wookjin another kiss (they blew like 100000 kisses to him the whole show) while Wookjin put up a heart to them.

Yongsoo and Jisung went backstage and flopped down on a nearby couch, trying to catch their breathe.

"holy shit it all went by so fast," Jisung said grabbing Yongsoo's hand.

"I know right! But how was your first time preforming?" Yongsoo intertwined their fingers.

"honestly better than i expected," Jisung answered,"Right when I got on stage all the nervousness suddenly went away."

"Always happens. Anyway, are they coming back stage or-"

Then all the sudden the others came running up from who knows where and started tackling them.

"Yongsoo you bitch I was so worried!!" Wookjin punched Yongsoo.

"Ow! Ok I'm sorry I'm sorry me and Jisung wanted it to be a surprise," Yongsoo apologized.

"Don't blame him, Wookjin. It was my idea calm down," Jisung said.

"Whatever. I still love you both," Wookjin punched Jisung aswell.

"You guys were amazing!" Sungho stated.

"Thank you thank you," Yongsoo responded.

"I honestly expected it to be so bad because yknow it's Jisung but it was actually good for some reason. I think Yongsoo made it better," Taeyeob said.

"I'm so offended right now," Jisung fake cried.

"Ok but you guys were so slay like what the frick," Kyubin clapped.

"The whole stage was so babygirl," Junhyung said.

"Ok let's go home. I wanna do karaoke," Jisung said.

They ended up spending the rest of the night doing karaoke, mainly to Jisung and Yongsoo's songs. They even celebrated with a cake because they were so good (they bought it) Let's just say they had a great night.

A/N: Finally! Here's the 100th chapter!! I wanted to make it longer than I usually do because it's the 100th chapter. No one has responded to my q&a thing yet so I'll wait until I get some responses. Sorry this chapter took so long. I had no motivation and I also went on a trip. Today is also my sister's birthday so I dunno how I got this out. Anyway, thank you all for supporting this story and thanks for reading!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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