Epilogue - After Wonderland

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Is that the full story?

Not the full story, but that's where the Wonderland stuff ends.

Ok, could you all fill in the full story and tell us what happened next?


Nick's POV

So, what happened after Wonderland? First thing, a trip to the hospital. I had a bullet in my leg, I kinda had to get that checked out. They had to remove it, hurt like hell, took the rest of term off school to recover, but after that, I could finally let Wonderland behind me. But not completely. Jade did end up getting me to go to therapy. It didn't go as bad as I thought it would, still see Jade's scissors in that guy's eyes every time I try to go to sleep and that other guard's head cracked open by my bat sometimes, but that's normal. Since then, not much has happened. Apart from the news coverage-

oh, sorry we're saving that for later.

We are?

Ok then.

Apart from that, there's been some minor events in my life. I saw that new Scream film with Jade, Amanda, and... another friend, loved that. The gore only slightly brought back memories. That was fine. Renfield may have been a mistake though. What else? Oh yeah, I talked to this other guy for a few months, took my chance, failed miserably, cried for three hours, accidentally dropped my phone into a lawnmower, got some trouble from some guy in my class, got suspended for fighting him, got quickly unsuspended after some persuasion and slightly loud arguments over the phone, then we're here. Long story short, I'm only mildly traumatised, and very tired and frustrated.

Jade's POV

After getting home, the first thing I did was sleep. When we went back to school, people were slightly sympathetic to me for once, considering the news about Wonderland blew up- I'm not getting into that don't worry- and it gave me some confidence to do something I was too scared to do before, I told my parents I was a lesbian. Yeah, I get it, my friend literally just got sent to conversion therapy after her parents found out, probably not the smartest idea, but it went well. They said ok, went back to watching Coronation Street, and I was out. After that, not much happened. Oh, we got bullied at one point. Nick fought him, got suspended, my parents yelled things through the phone that were very persuasive and only slightly shocking, which got him unsuspended. I comforted Nick through a break-up, I helped Amanda through a relationship, welcomed a new kid to the group, and punched a Tory at pride. Surprisingly didn't get arrested, now I'm here. So, not been a bad few months considering what I went through.

Pat's POV

First thing I did, drugs. What type of drugs? Medication, what else would I have been on about? In all seriousness, the gunshot healed shockingly quickly. No, really. I was out with COVID longer than I was out with a fucking bullet to the leg. Shocking, I know. Ace wasn't as lucky with the recovery, though. But after that, it's been smooth sailing. Apart from that fight I got in outside Tesco. And the break in attempt. And then there's the Tory that tried to discount everything I went through. Ok, maybe it's been an eventful few months. But, you know what? I don't think I'd change a single thing about what happened. In my case, of course, if I could change things I would try save Mark, Amy, Bill, Kat, Ace, Nyla and- ok grey area on Elliott, but if Mark never died, he wouldn't have become a psycho anyway. But apart from that, I wasn't actually done too much damage from Wonderland. Ok, Missing my meds for a month fucked me up a little now that I think about it, but apart from that, I got off lucky.

Ace's POV

Right, I know Wilfred's dead and shit, but fuck that guy for stabbing me. Do you understand how much of a fucking pain being stabbed in the shoulder is? It's horrific. I couldn't use my arm for a fucking MONTH, it hurt to walk, it hurt to lie down, it hurt to do literally fucking anything, it still aches like shit, it fucked up doing school work, because turns out being stabbed in the shoulder means you can't write with that shoulder without being in agony, so I had to learn how to write with my other hand (newsflash: it's fucking HARD) and after all that, I still have to take painkillers for it. Dear god, I hate my life. In other news, since then I haven't got into a fight, mainly because I CAN'T fight anymore. What have I done? Well, I got into politics more, and I'm planning to take it for A-Level. Mainly to stop anyone from getting to power that want to keep these places running. I want change to happen, and I can't do the violent path anymore, so fuck it, I'll try it their way.

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