Everything Is Unreal.

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TW: The following chapter contains multiple depictions of strong violence.

"Wilfred, Alice and Heart figured it out. Code red." Lloyd radios in.
"Code red?"
"Well, we're gonna have to stop the whole thing now, aren't we? We can't let anyone leave alive, and there's no way they'd take the treatment lying down. So congratulations, you just got everyone killed."
"You fucking bastard!" Liv yells, charging at him. Quickly, Lloyd pokes the knife out at her, and she goes back.
"Ok, I get it. We're all a little on edge at the moment, and you've probably got questions. So I'll explain."

"As you might have guessed, you aren't the first people to be here. There's been multiple rotations, and they all go the same way: we 'rescue' a group of people that would fit the characters, they interact, it ends with Alice, that's you Amanda. I clue them in on what's going on, but keep them out of it until it's too late. As this happens, a fight starts between Alice and The Queen, that's you Liv. We fake an intervention, it always ends with them even angrier than before, the door automatically opens after 10 minutes, they discover it was never locked and are even angrier. As the days go on, three remain: the Hatter, Alice, and Queen of Hearts, and they're still fighting each other when we strike. Three can't overpower five."

"And each time for the last 7, the last 3 years, I'm there. Not always as the Hatter, though. I've been the Rabbit, the Caterpillar, the Mock Turtle, the Hare, hell even the Cheshire Cat once. In fact, I was supposed to be the Hare this time, but our Hatter never showed, escaped their camp before we could intervene, so I stepped in. So, we go again. Should be easy right? But fucking hell, Amanda. You just had to ruin everything didn't you? All you had to do was trust me. All you had to do was continue against her. I mean, the writing should have been on the wall after Mark, things weren't gonna work like that anymore. But all you had to do was hate each other. But, I don't know what the fuck you did, but you're friends now, I guess. And even then, that power cut was part of it all, and I was waiting for you Amanda, only you. Liv being here ruined that, so I decided to try and get you both in on it. But fuck logic, I guess, you decided to try play saviour. And now all of you are gonna die because of it."

"Well, what was the alternative?" Liv asks.
"Being normal. But I guess you'll never need to know the details there."
"Wait, so how did you join and why did you do it?" I interject.
"How did I join? Simple really, I just wanted to put an end to all this, and Lewis would help me do that. We met after I got expelled for saying the truth, and he let me in on this operation."
"But, why would you hurt some of your own?" Liv almost yells at him. I nod to her to distract him whileI go to get the pole out of the door handle.
"Wha- oh." He laughs sinisterly. "Oh, Liv. I'm not one of you. I'm absolutely fucking normal. I was born a boy, and I don't think I'm anything else. My voice just was high enough and my figure ambiguous enough that nobody's suspect a thing. My name's not even fucking Lloyd! I just got that from the original's file. My real name is Cole."
"So, what now? You kill us then what?"
"We start again. More will pop up on the radar soon enough. It's more common than you think. We can get in at least 2 more before the end of the year, 3 if we have a good year. You won't bring this place down."
"We'll fucking try, monster."

Kat's POV

When the alarm went off, some of us decided to room together. Amanda, Liv, Lloyd and Amy were nowhere to be seen, so it was just Me, Pat and Bill. Bill was panicking since his friend was missing, but we tried to calm him down. However, just as we'd started to calm down, Amy burts through the door.

"What's wrong?" Bill instantly responds.
"They're trying to change us. They tried to take me. I heard something over the radio. Lloyd's working with them. But it's a code red. They're trying to kill us. We have to go now!"

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