Hearts and Axes

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Going into the final stretch, all three of us had our monsters.
Elliott had Clyde, the man who killed his brother, sending him on a path of vengance.
Amanda had Lewis, the man who created the place that had forever changed her life for worse and had lied to her since day one.
And I had Andrew, the man who manipulated me at my lowest point and tried to get me killed multiple times.
So, fair to say we were all ready to tear these fuckers to shreds.

Liv's POV

"So, what's the plan between us two?" I ask Amanda. We were both heading to the same location: Lewis' office, but neither of us wanted to get caught.
"Look, you're gonna hate this idea at first."
"We split up."
"Amanda, you're probably the greatest friend I've met, but I swear to-"
"I know, I know. But if Lewis is expecting us both to burst in from the same place, he could take us both down instantly. If we do it seperately, then at least one of us will be left."
"Ok, now it makes sense."
"You know the alternate way?"
"Of course I do."
"Good. See you there."
"See you there.

Amanda heads to the main entrance while I go the alternate way. My path involves a maze of corridors and thin passageways, but eventually, I get to the final room before the office. A storage room. Working my way through a labyrinth of storage units and shelves, I pass by multiple artifacts of this place. The first thing I see is a croquet set, probably back when they used the outside area more. Then, a box labelled "phones", which is supposed to have our phones in. However, we already had them, thanks to Jules' break in. Next up, though, I reach an old wardrobe, containing some of the older costumes. One thing I notice right off the bat is that they used to be a lot more elaborate and themed, whilst now they could pass for ordinary clothes. I briefly consider using one for the final fight, but I've worked to seperate myself from this place, indulging in it is what they want. So, after the brief exploration, it's time to do this-


But a familiar voice calls out behind me. And it's both the first and last one I wanted to hear.

"Andrew. See you don't have your guards backing you up this time."
"Yeah, well funny thing, isn't it? Turns out they can't back you up with a knife through their heads."
"We killed all of them, didn't we?"
"It would seem like it. Hey, I need to talk to you about something."
"What is it?" I ask, but I have no intentions of believing a word out of his mouth.
"I know we have our differences. Over the last few months, we've had a few minor falling outs-"
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Let me finish. -and I've done some things that you haven't liked. But, would you take me back?"
"What?" I reply, absolutely taken aback, and almost laughing in his face. After all that, he thinks I'd ever consider that?
"I know it sounds crazy, but we work so well together. Even then, after all that, we were still hitting off each other. We work perfectly. So, you up for it?"
I want to let it all out. Everything he did. Everything I hate about him. Everything that makes me want him dead.
So I do.
"Fuck you. The fact that you think I would EVER take you back proves you never knew me at all. Everything about what I went through to get here and what I've put up with should tell you that I never want to see you again, let alone date you. You came in at my lowest point and used me for your own fucked up game. You aren't some knight in shining armour. You aren't a misunderstood heartthrob trying to do the right thing even if nobody else understands. You aren't a beacon of hope in a 'damaged world' or whatever the fuck you guys believe you are. You know what you are? A wanker. You're a manipulative dickhead who cares only about your own self interest and a mission that harms so many others. So no. I will never go back to you. Ever again."

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