Plan Of Attack

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So, if you're like us, you've probably been waiting for the downfall of this hellhole.
Believe me, we're getting there. But every revolution had to start with a plan. This was ours.

We all gathered around a table the morning before we were gonna attack. Jules got out a notepad and a map of the outside. Then, we talked.

"So, this is how it works." Jules says, pointing to the entrances. There were 6 of them. 1 for staff, 4 which are endings of hallways, one of those we recognised as the one we escaped out of, then the main reception entrance.

"We ignore the staff entrance, it's too risky, and they'll expect the entrance you guys escaped out of (the west entrance), leaving 4. We can't all focus on one entrance, and they know that, so there'll be the guards spread out instad of all in one place. I hate suggesting this, but it's our only option: we need to split up for this to work."

Almost all of us groan in annoyance or concern.

"I know, I know. But, if we arrange the groups, we could make sure everyone gets in safely. So, who's going with who?"

Andrew instantly pus himself down to go with Liv. She isn't happy with that idea, though.

"Absolutely not. You've almost got me killed TWICE, and risked the whole mission a few days ago. Fuck that, I'm going with Amanda."
"Of course you're going with her."
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You two, let's get back on track. So, there's 3 groups of 3, and 1 group of 4. So, first group: Me, Nyla and Elliott. None of us have ones to group with, and we go for the reception entrance. I can take out some, Nyla's good with combat, and we've all seen what Elliott's capable of."
"Mate, remember. One or two strikes for guards." Ace reminds Elliott.
"Got it."
"The group of 4... Amanda, you wanna go with Nick and Jade, right?"
"Yeah, but Liv wants to go with me too."
"That's what I was going for, you've proved that together you can take care of attackers. You 4 go for the south entrance."
"Ok, we'll take that."
"So, Ace, Pat, you two go together, and Andrew, you go with them to the North entrance."
"Why me? Why not Blake?"
"Hey, why are you bringing me into it?"
"Andrew, I'll say this nicely: you try to think rationally, but you just end up making things worse for everyone. Ace has proved he's good with thinking rationally."
"Fine. We'll meet up later though, right?"
"We'll get to that. Which leaves Kat, Harriet and Blake for the hardest entrance: the east entrance."
"Why is it the hardest?" Harriet asks.
"It's the opposite side of us, so more would have to done, which is why Blake's with you. They were good with stealth sneaking up on the officer."
"Thanks, i guess."

Jules (Leader)
Elliott (The Fighter)
Liv (Co-Leader)
Amanda (Co-Leader)
Pat (Co-Leader)
Ace (Co-Leader)
Blake (Stealth)

"So, with that sorted, we get into the plan when we get in. First, the guards. Make sure they cannot follow us after the fight. If that means death, kill them. If not, knocking them unconscious or restraining them is fine. After that, see this?" Jules points to a room in the centre. "That's Lewis' office. He almost never leaves. Sends others to do his dirty work. We leave that to last. As we go through the building, we all head counter clockwise. Everybody go to your left when you get in. Try to get proof of everything. Files, security footage, any proof that they've killed others. We meet up at the metal door. You know the one, and if you don't, at least one in your group does. We all go through. If some of us don't make it, don't wait for them. If there's more than 5 at the door, go through. Get evidence of EVERYTHING. Then, we find Bill, if we haven't already. Once we've done that, we go after the core 4. After Carol, Wilfred and Clyde are sorted, we go to Lewis. After that, we set alight the building, walk to the nearest town, Alterbridge, then we figure out how to get everybody back home. Any questions?"
Nyla raises her hand.
"Well, I'm thinking worst case scenario, but what if, for example, Blake, Ace, Elliott, Liv, Amanda, or you die before we get that far?"
"Good question. If that happens, we all know the plan now, so just go along with it."
"Follow up, will we know who is left?"
"I've actually been working on that. Everyone has a radio-like device, and there's a button that makes a light flash a certain colour on every monitor when pressed. Only press that button if the person who uses it is no longer alive to do so, or is too injured to continue. Understood?"
"Yeah, got that."
I raise my hand. I needed to say something.
"Amanda, you got a question?"
"What do we do about the lights?"
"Cole. He might have been a liar, but he warned me about some lights. The blue ones would harm transfem people, the pink ones would harm transmasc people, both harm non-binary people and none harm genderfluid people. I'm not sure if he was right. Do you know?"
Jules stares at me shocked.
"Oh my god. He would have got you killed."
"What? How?"
"I don't know how they do it, but those lights do not work like that. All of them do damage. Essentially, what I've heard they do is that they lock that person into a certain gender and way of thinking. It sounds like sci-fi, but believe me, it can do that. We don't know if it's able to be undone. So, what I'll warn you: avoid them all. Any light that even looks similar to those colours, AVOID AT ALL COSTS. That goes for everyone, even those who are cis. Nobody is safe."
"Wait, I think I can survive it."
"How? Those lights are so bright that they can take effect through closed eyes."
"What if the colour's slightly tinted?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"So, I've kinda been hiding something else, a lot smaller. I'm heterochromic, one eye's a different colour to the other. One's blue, the other's green. I use coloured contact lenses to make them appear the same. However, it slightly alters the colours I see, so everything's slightly blue."
"Why do you try to hide it?" Liv asks.
"People used to take the piss out of it. Also, sometimes they're both green. I change it every few months and try to make people believe they've always been like that. It's just kinda fun."
"So, Amanda," Jules interrupts, "With the lights, we don't know yet, so don't risk it. Is that everyone's questions?"
Ace and Pat raise their hands.
"Is this about if you can take-"
"Look, I'd have let you bring it anyway, so I really don't care."
"We were told we weren't allowed."
"By who?"
They both point to Andrew.
"Look, I didn't want us all to get arrested before we even got here for drug possession. You can get some afterwards. I really don't care what you do, as long as I can't be affected by the repurcussions."
"Now is that eveyone?" Jules repeats. Nobody answers differently.
"Good, we start the attack at 5:30PM. We're lucky it's November, nightfall is a lot quicker, so we're covered quicker. Everyone get ready. And remember: this isn't just for us, but for everyone else they've tortured and killed, and those they could hurt in the future. We owe it to them to stop this. They hurt people, so we'll make sure that it can't happen again after tonight. Tonight, the clock strikes thirteen for Wonderland."

We were all ready to do this. We needed to. While some of us had only known each other for a few days, at the time, we were all united under one common goal.
Wonderland burns tonight.

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