Wonderland Is Anarchic In Nature.

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Night came and we were ready. So were they. But we knew that, and they didn't know how far we were willing to go.



Nyla's POV

I'm coming, Bill. We stare at the reception from our cover. There seems to be about five guards there. Makes sense here'd have the most, it's the most obvious entry point of all of them. Although then, I look around and see the North Entrance has five guards too. They're really going all out for us. I look over to Elliott, who's already trying to figure something out.

"Jules, pass me a knife."
"Why? What'll that do from here?"
"Oh, that won't do anything, I just need to use it to make sure this will." he raises the log Blake threw at the officer and Jules passes the knife, letting him sharpen the end of the log. After a few minutes, he's got it working, and throws it.

Clean through the side of the head of one of the guards, who is knocked down by the force of the hit. An instant death. One of the other guards aims their gun in the direction the log faces, the opposite one to us. Then we rushed.

First, I jumped on the back of the guard aiming the gun, getting the jump on them. I manage to steal the knife from their belt and slice it through their throat. Jules clocks one in the face, knocking them out cold. She then steals their gun and shoots them clean in the head with it. Then we get to Elliott, who rips the log out of the guards head and stabs another in the chest with it. Realising this wasn't enough to kill him, he whacks him across the head with it, knocking him down, then stabbing another through the head. There's one guard left, and they raise their gun at us-

Jules instantly shoots them in the head, ending that fight. We head to the door. Locked. Needs a keycard to get through. Elliott instantly runs to the corpse of the guard we just killed and searches through the pockets. He finds one quickly, but it's locked around their wrist. But, with absolutely no hesitation, Elliott pulls out the knife again and slices straight through the wrist, cutting the card clean off. We scan the card and we're through. Stage 1 over.


Amanda's POV

"Nick, Jade, get behind us."
"We know how this place works, we lead, you guys help once we've done some serious damage."

We stare at the doors ahead of us, and the 5 guards infront of it. There's no way we get to them without being spotted. We check the weapons again: two kitchen knives, cricket bat, and some scissors. Nick agrees to go for the cricket bat, Jade goes for the scissors, and me and Liv take a knife each. Now, we just need to wait for a window.

Which doesn't take long as gunfire distracts the guards and we run towards them. The guards are already looking around the corner, so it's easy for Liv to get a clean hit with a knife to the back of the head again, instantly ending one of the guards.

"We're really just killing them?" Nick asks, incredibly shocked.
The guards have noticed us now.
"What the fuck else are we supposed to do?" Jade fires back.
Nick dodges a shot from one of the guards.
"Knock them out?"
I grab the end of the gun and pull it forward, holding a knife out, both stealing the gun and impaling the guard on it. I slice down through the chest then up through the jaw. That takes them out.
"So they can track us down later? Fuck that!" Jade rips the scissors in two, stabs them both into one guard's eyes, then slices his throat with them.
"Fucking hell Jade! This is a bit extreme?"
"Alright then, try knock them out!"
Nick swings the bat at the fourth guard, and it's a strong hit. So strong it kills him instantly.
"Oh god!" Nick yells.
"See? It's not that hard!" Jade responds, the fifth guard has given up and starts to retreat, but Liv throws a knife into his throat. He rips it out, a fatal mistake, causing him to bleed out.
"That's why I practiced that."
"So, we're all gonna ignore the fact we just killed people?"
"Nick, we all accepted this would happen before we started the attack."
"Yeah, but it's easier to talk about it. I just killed a man!"
"And he tried to kill us!"
"Look, I'm just a little shaken by it."
"That's understandable, but it was neccesarry. Now, how do we open this door-"
Nick smashes the cricket bat straight through the door.
"Like that."
"Knew you'd come around."
"I'll just talk to my therapist about it later."
"You don't have a therapist."

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