𓆩♡𓆪 Watching

Start from the beginning

They moved closer, their breath now on the shell of Switzerland's ear.

"...Keep him out of my way"


Finland POV




I felt my legs pulling me just a bit faster to the conference room, a sudden feeling washing over me.
This wasn't over was it.
My quick passed walking soon turned into running, my purple boots still in hand. We have to leave. Now!

My footsteps were silent, quiet in the long empty hallways with just my socks on the floor... then...

Why was I hearing noise...

Turning slightly, I noticed the dark boots of Switzerland at the end of the hallway. He was walking in my direction, not fast, but no slow either. His face was neutral, just as it always was, and he didn't look like he was particularly following me, just walking back to the conference room... Just like me...



Something was wrong.

Looking forward again, I listened closely to the sound of his walking, his pace, how far away he was. He was getting closer. Slowly, but closer nonetheless.
Picking up my speed, I turned the corner and held my boots closer to me. There were other people around, but the sound of those boots getting closer and closer were scaring me. Stop! Stop now!
Norway. I needed to get back.

I could feel my blood pumping; my heart getting quicker. This wasn't good. The sound of his movement became drowned in the chatter and noise of everyone else in the hallways, I was losing focus!


With the conference room in sight, I felt relief washing over me. I was almost there, I was-

In an instant I felt something run into me so hard I dropped my boots, falling to the floor and onto my elbow right after. Pain instantly stuck me in the spot I landed; had he caught up to me that quick. Looking up, I feared the sight of Switzerland, only to see the worried face of another man I had seen before, but never spoken too.

"Are you okay" Vietnam attempted to help me up, his hands coming way to close to my hands. No Touching.
I flinched away from him causing more consern. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you- I-
"I'll take it from here, you can go" Another voice interrupted him startling me.

Switzerland placed a hand on Vietnam's shoulders, signaling him to leave, his friends standing not too far away, watching what had happened.

Stop looking!
Don't leave!

My anxiety spiked, the noise around me fading at the fact that he had caught to me this quickly. I wanted to run, but I felt absolutely paralyzed as he talked the other into leaving. Leaving us... alone, his face void of emotion.

Get away

Get away!

I watched Vietnam give me one last worried look before running away to other people down the hallway, and then he was gone...
Switzerland's eyes stayed on the spot he was before they slowly slid turned to me, a fuzzy haze coming with them, buzzing in my ears like an old florescent lightbulb.

He stared, not saying a word, eyes black; my own reflection staring back at me with nothing but fear.


I watched in horror as his pupils shifted, going from dark empty pools into hexed lined just as dark, the buzzing becoming louder and louder, splitting my head in half, pain being my only source of feeling.





Back in the conference hallways, I could hear the shouting of my brothers inside telling me they probably didn't even notice my disappearance.

"Why! Why do you always insist on doing this!" Norway screamed at Denmark how was now slumped in his seat, very much annoyed. His eyes shifter to me as soon as I showed at the door.

"Finland" He ignored Switzerland whos fingers were intertwined with mine. "How nice of you to join us" He spoke sarcastically.
Norway turned to look at me at the realization I had been gone, his face becoming worried when he noticed our brother holding my hand. "Fin... You okay?"
"He's fine..." Switz answered for me, letting go of my hand only for me to grab his again. I felt safe with the contact.

"He left because you all were shouting like he isn't sensitive to noise" Switzerland pulled me back to my seat where Norway took my hand from his and sat down next to me. "...Thanks" Norway said causiously, still holding my hand. I didn't like that. He'd been acting prettyeam today saying all that stuff earlier....

What did he say earlier?...

Whatever it was, I didn't like it.
I pulled my hand away from him and tucked it into my pocket, playing with my stressball instead. "Hm" huffing and turning from him got a chuckle out of Sweden who shushed at the glare Norway gave in return.

"Well since your back" Denmark stood from his seat and checked his watch. "We can conclude this meeting and pick up later. I'll have my secretary set a time"
"We are never meeting up again" I heard Greenland mummble, a hand on his face in boredom. "Haha very funny, I'll catch you all later"


The drive home was silent, Norway didn't say anything to me, only stared ahead with knitted brows.
Was he okay? Worry
No. No worry, I wasn't worried. I was still made at him... For what though? A buzzing filler my head after a second of thinking makimg a shiver run down my spine. Maybe I shouldn't do that. Laying my head on the window, I turned listened to the sound of the road outside and breathed a sigh of relief... My stomach was hurting?

Did I eat this morning?

𓆩♡𓆪 My Angel (UN x Male CH Reader)Where stories live. Discover now