The Prep Phase

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Gavin stirred, groaning as he shuffled further into the warm embrace. Bare flesh pressed against his own, but something felt different. It was warm, but there wasn't the damp hotness that came with human flesh. The stickiness was caused by him alone. A creeping hand snaked across his hip, caressing the jutting bone and sliding around to cup his ass almost possessively. Gavin bit his lip as the hand squeezed and urged him closer. His leg automatically rose to hook over a familiar slim waist, resting so perfectly it was almost like it had been made for him.

"Good morning, Gavin." Nines kept his voice soft. He didn't want to break the moment, thinking that gentleness would stop Gavin from rousing all the way. Gavin was willing to go with it for now. He didn't want to get up either. Here was nice. Here was easy. Here he didn't have to think about what happened last night and why it had been a bad idea. Was it really that bad? Nines said he'd thought about it and he wanted it..."Your thoughts are deafening," Nines complained as he turned their bodies so that Gavin was on his back.

"Sorry, force of habit," he huffed sleepily as he finally opened his eyes. He almost wished he hadn't. It was too fucking early to be looking up at such a bright expression. Nines had happiness on his face that almost mirrored Connor whenever Hank praised him. Maybe not quite that simpering...Gavin could see a marked amount of heat in that steady blue gaze. He almost seemed to be testing the waters as he leaned down to capture his lips. They were both pleasantly surprised to find him so willing. The crashing sense of guilt didn't come. The foreboding didn't prickle his senses. For once, it just felt...good. Really good.

"Perhaps I can persuade you to break that habit." The rock of his hips pressed his solid cock against Gavin's bare thigh. Something sticky slicked his skin. The mere suggestion made Gavin's cock stir. His body felt soft and pliant beneath Nines' touch as he accepted another deep kiss. His own arms reached up to snake around Nines' neck as he repositioned his legs, spreading himself wide. Nines hummed in contentment as he settled himself between those willing thighs.

"The phck are you looking at, Toaster?" Gavin grumbled self-consciously as Nines propped himself up and raked his silvery eyes over his dishevelled face and toned chest. He looked like he'd found the most beautiful painting, or the most exquisite sculpture. People didn't look at Gavin Reed like that. He wasn't made for such soft expressions of want. He wasn't sweet and loveable. As if reading his unpleasant thoughts, Nines' hand reached up and caressed his warm cheek, stroking down the silky stubble like he was something precious.

"I'm looking at my human." He enjoyed the way his possessive tone made Gavin's skin flush and his cock twitch. "I want to see you like this every morning," he added in an almost dreamy tone, closing the distance to kiss Gavin's lips. Gavin was almost melting at the sweetness of his words. Fuck, he deserved better than he could give. After thirty-six years with few meaningful encounters, Gavin wasn't sure he even had the capacity to give Nines anything like the soft romance he probably imagined.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have terrible phcking taste?" Gavin teased in his usual self-deprecating tone. Nines gave him an almost pouty look of disapproval, making him scoff. He didn't know what the fuck he saw in him. He knew he had his good points, of course. His work ethic and dedication to the force. His treatment of victims and vulnerable people. That didn't mean he'd make a good romantic partner. He'd never done the whole flowers and chocolates thing, or the going to dinner thing, or the going to the movies thing. Christ, have I ever even been on a single date? Probably not, if you didn't count meeting up in clubs and getting shitfaced.

"I have the best taste...I was designed that way," Nines excused dismissively, peppering tiny kisses along Gavin's collarbone to the fresh wound on his shoulder. Gavin shuddered as Nines' tongue flicked out to lather and tease the injury. It was perfectly sealed now, but tender. The layer of fresh skin was still thin. Too much pressure would breach the surface. He flattened his tongue and stroked affectionately before nipping and kissing his neck. It was strange to Gavin, being treated like this. Nines was so careful, even tender, with his weaker human body.

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