Desk Duty

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Reed sank into his chair with a groan and scooted closer to the desk. His shoulder still ached like hell, but damned if he was going to sit at home and leave his cases dangling. He'd already wasted enough time sitting in the hospital. They'd kept him in for an extra day after he'd woken up. The bullet had been successfully removed while he was still unconscious, so it was really just replenishing lost fluids and making him rest. Apparently, he'd been suffering from moderately severe fatigue and moderate malnutrition before the injury. Unfortunately, he'd had no privacy while being told this information and Nines had been on his case about it ever since.

"Do you need anything? Water? Juice?" Nines asked as he pulled off his white jacket, which he'd cleaned the night before. He'd also cleaned up Reed's leather jacket. How he'd managed to get the blood out, he had no idea. He was lucky the bullet hadn't punched a hole in the new leather. Reed slipped his own jacket off his bound shoulder before trying to shrug his arm out of the sleeve. Nines was there in seconds, gently pulling it down like a doting parent. It made him feel both embarrassed and cared for.

"Nines, I'm not a phcking invalid! Just...get me a coffee?" Reed sighed as Nines took the jacket and neatly slipped it over the back of his chair. He watched Nines' LED flash yellow as he stepped in front and gave him a firm stare. Reed sighed and leaned his head against the rest as he slumped back in his chair. He already felt pretty low from the medication and constant aching. He almost groaned at the kitten eyed look he was getting.

"In order to aid in your recovery and improve your health, it's my belief that we should limit your caffeine intake. The amount of coffee you consume on a daily basis is...quite alarming," Nines objected in an almost hesitant tone. He watched Reed scowl up at him with barely suppressed rage. He wasn't usually this temperamental. Nines didn't exactly understand pain or fatigue, but from what he'd researched, his reaction was expected in his current, stressed state. That he was low on caffeine was also a strong factor. The chemical was highly addictive, and he'd already been cut off for a day in the hospital. He'd only been permitted water and juice there.

"Nines...First thing in the morning? Probably not the best time to limit my caffeine intake. Please?" he added with veiled impatience, looking up with big green eyes. He had no idea if he could still master the look, but it had always worked on his mother as a kid. Nines felt his thirium pump stutter. Reed had never looked at him like that, but it was an expression he recognised from Connor. It was what Reed had dubbed his puppy eyed look. With the green of his eyes, Nines thought his gaze to be far more feline than canine. Nines knew he shouldn't be swayed by such things. However, I did suggest limiting his intake, not denying it completely.

"You may have one coffee now, but no more until lunchtime." Reed thought that compromise was fair. He nodded his agreement before using his good arm to reach down and turn on his terminal. Nines headed off to the breakroom, leaving him an open target to Hank and his smug expression as he leaned back and folded his arms. Connor continued typing away, but he was aware of Hank's amusement.

"Never thought I'd see the day...Gavin Reed taking orders from an android." There was no real bite in his teasing tone. Reed felt his cheeks heat a little. He was right. It hadn't even occurred to him to tell Nines to fuck off and mind his own business. He could have. Nines was his android, after all. He could order him to make him ten coffees and drink them all as payback while making him watch. A few months ago, he would have. But Nines is just looking out for me. He's worried about me...Shit like that matters.

"Says the drunk who hasn't touched a drop in half a year!" Reed shot back smugly, watching Hank huff in defeat as Connor sat a little straighter, buzzing with pride. He was clearly pleased that he was the reason for Hank's improved health, and it had been a long road. "And don't think I haven't noticed the exercise regime, old man. You've been shedding the pounds." Connor turn his head to look at Hank. He couldn't tell, but he was pretty Connor's expression would be one of warmth and pride. Hank seemed a little embarrassed by all the attention, squirming in his seat. It had been a lot more fun when Reed was the one being called out.

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