Frustration and Tenderness

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Connor had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he made his way towards the gymnasium. He remembered what happened the last time Reed went to blow off some steam. He could already hear his deep grunts in the hall as he hurried towards the closed wooden doors. It was louder once he pushed them open, accompanied by the thudding of soft flesh on leather and the rattling of chains. Reed had tossed his jacket aside, but he hadn't changed. He'd simply grabbed the bag and started pounding.

"Detective Reed! Gavin!" Connor interrupted as he hurried over and tugged his arm. He was conscious of his new top as he dodged Reed's bloodied fist. The leather had already split the sensitive skin of his knuckles. He was leaving red smears on the dark leather. "Gavin...Calm down. Take a breath." Connor returned his hand to Reed's heaving shoulder as he realised it was him. He spoke calmly and took deep, slow breaths for him to follow. Reed stumbled a little before dropping to one knee. He was panting. Sweat dripped from his brow as he quivered with barely contained rage.

Connor crouched beside him, keeping the grounding hand on his hot shoulder. It was rare for Reed to be completely non-responsive. He waited a while, listening to his heaving breaths as they slowly levelled out. His green eyes stared blankly at a space on the far wall. He gradually started to relax. His fingers twitched as he began to bend and unbend the aching digits. He gradually became aware of the stinging burn across his aching knuckles and tightened his jaw.

"Gavin, are you alright?" Connor asked softly, watching his brow twitch as he slowly turned his head and looked at him as if for the first time. "Nines said you came here to think...I thought I should check on you, since you ordered him to stay away." He didn't hide the reproach in his tone as he answered Reed's silent question. Reed dropped his eyes a moment before settling a little more comfortably on his knees.

"Four hours...Four phcking hours, Con! If we'd-I just-Phck!" He gripped his thick locks with one bloodied hand as he cursed his frustration. Connor winced sympathetically. He messaged Nines to ask for case details, and Nines wasted no time in sending what they'd learned that day. He could understand his frustration. This had been a long case with a lot of victims stacking up. It was also getting varied and unsavoury media attention. Reed had constantly unstable stress levels and an unpredictable temper. He also had a seemingly terrible way of coping with excess anger. It was a plus that he didn't take it out on his co-workers, but still...

"There was nothing you could have done. You were unaware the victim was missing. There is no way you could have prevented this." Reed seemed less than convinced by the gentle reassurance. He huffed and began tapping one fist on the floor. Red smeared the waxed surface. He stopped as Connor's hand gripped his wrist. Connor didn't know if he was trying to punish himself with the pain or just following a reflex. Either way, it had to stop.

"There's more I could have done...I should have looked closer! I shouldn't have needed Nines to come on board to get shit done! I just wonder if...If the victims were human, would I have done more?" Reed looked at Connor. Vulnerability and fear of judgement hovered in his faded green eyes. Connor's hazel gaze softened as he squeezed his shoulder. He'd come a long way over the few short months since the revolution. He knew he took his duties seriously.

"No, Detective. You've done everything possible with the details you have available. You also had me and Hank look over the case, and we didn't make any progress either...Some cases, even large ones like this, take time due to a lack of information and evidence. You cannot blame yourself for that." Reed slowly nodded his reluctant agreement, somewhat reassured by Connor's confidence. "You should talk to Nines...He wouldn't say it, but he's somewhat insecure when it comes to your partnership." Connor got to his feet and tugged him up by the elbow.

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