An Agreement

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A lot of harm, as it turned out. Reed stumbled through the bullpen the next morning, tired and barely awake. He had dark, purpling circles around his eyes as he dropped the reviewed files on his desk with a wince at the loud slap they made. He didn't even notice that Hank was already up in Fowler's office, or that there was a third person in there with them. He stalked towards the break room, still mostly asleep as he leaned over the old coffee machine and waited for one of the cups to fill. He rested a tired arm on the machine as he stared blankly at the paper cup.

"Hey Gav! Did you see-What the fuck happened to you?" Tina demanded from the doorway, her tone dropping in concern and reproach as Reed looked over his shoulder with an evasive air. He knew what he looked like. Lack of sleep had made his skin pasty, enhancing the darkness around his eyes and the pink of the scar across his nose. He'd likely get chewed out by Fowler as well, once the older man got a good enough look at him. Tina was in her usual patrol uniform with her hat neatly pinned in place, ready to head out with either Miller or Collins. She rested her hands on her hips as she waited for a suitable explanation.

"Would you believe me if I told you I'm just sick?" Reed checked in a grumbling, gruff tone that told her he hadn't used his voice for the past few hours and he hadn't had his coffee yet. The machine finally ground to a halt, trickling out that steaming nectar of life. Reed closed his eyes as he smelled the cup. Coffee. Bad coffee, but coffee all the same. Tina almost winced as she watched him drink it down like it came from the Holy Grail. The machine never made the coffee hot enough to burn. He grimaced in satisfaction as he lowered the cup.

"Not a chance! Up all night on a case?" she pressed with a sigh, still leaning in the open doorway.

"Something like that," he replied evasively, leaving out the part where it was actually two nights. One of which he was supposed to have been resting. He groaned tiredly as he resigned himself to returning to his desk. He'd already noticed a couple more files waiting for him, and that was alongside all the emails he'd have waiting, and the reports to complete, and the leads to follow up. Witnesses to call. Forensics to chase down. Phck, I should have slept last night. He barely said goodbye to Tina as he left the break room, accepting the sympathetic pat on his shoulder as he went. His ass was mere inches from the seat of his chair when he heard it.

"Reed! My office!" Fowler yelled from the glass door of his office, though it wasn't an angry shout. He hasn't seen my face yet...Reed groaned in resignation as he pushed himself up and strode across to the glass box with slumped shoulders. He was so busy looking at his feet that he still didn't notice the quiet, almost anxious, presence that hovered near the door. Reed rubbed a hand over his face and took a seat, noting that Hank had remained standing by the wall rather than taking the chair beside him.

"What do you need, Sir?" Reed was too tired to want to piss off his boss. Fowler seemed to notice as he sat down. His hazel eyes twitched between annoyance and concern as he took in Reed's slumping form. Reed had expected a comment, but it seemed whatever they wanted to talk about was more important right now. Fowler looked across at Hank and then shifted his gaze behind Reed. Reed heard the light, measured steps and realised they weren't alone for the first time. He jerked around on instinct and was out of his seat in seconds. It tumbled with a hard thud as he stumbled away from the somewhat timid looking android, almost falling into the glass.

"I-I apologise! I didn't intend to frighten you," the RK800 apologised sincerely in that same fake, not quite right tone of voice. It was a creepy thing that service androids had. The simpering fake lilt that just screamed they weren't human. Reed had managed to catch himself on the edge of Fowler's desk and slowly straightened up, though he was cautious. "Hello again, Detective Reed." The polite greeting was almost sheepish. He leaned down and picked up the chair, motioning a timid invitation for him to sit.

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