High Praise

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It was almost surreal. He'd gone home the night before, listened to the lectures a couple times while taking notes, and then he'd completed the assignments. They were on a USB so that he could upload and send them to Connor, who was apparently in charge of grading them. Within an hour of sending them, he got a new email from Connor. He said he'd grade them only once the corrections were complete. Reed frowned warily as he opened the word documents to find that Connor had painstakingly highlighted each grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistake he'd made. Reed's brow pinched and something in his chest tightened. He'd done it again. He'd messed up and made more work for Connor. He read over the email again.

I understand your difficulties with writing, Detective. I'm sending them back only to ensure you attain the highest grade possible. Connor's words were reassuring, and held a polite sincerity that Reed wasn't used to getting from anyone else. Guess it comes from his old programming...There was certainly no other reason for him to be nice to him. Not after everything that had happened before the revolution. Things that Connor hadn't mentioned since. Things that Reed was starting to think he should make up for. He set to work with fresh determination. With Connor's highlighting, it took him barely thirty minutes to scan and correct both assignments before sending them back. He set a reminder to check his email later for the new lecture files.

"Hey Gav! You're going to be late!" Tina called as she stopped by his desk with two coffees, surprised to find him sitting there. He'd usually head in early to snag a quiet seat where he wouldn't be noticed. She handed him a coffee as gentle encouragement, wondering if perhaps he'd blown a fuse the day before and refused to go back. She wouldn't put it past him. He was notorious for his short fuse and vicious temper. He was still in the office, so she was pretty sure Fowler hadn't written him up, but he could be on thin ice. Technically, he'd already been on thin ice before as one of the officers forced to compete the training. His treatment of Connor a few months ago was no secret either.

"Actually, I'm off the hook...Fowler and Connor sorted it so I only have to complete the assignments." Reed spoke quietly as he glanced around. There was no need to draw attention to their conversation. The last thing he needed was for other people to find out and kick up a fuss about preferential treatment. "Probably workload related. You know how things are piling up around here," he added as he nodded to the pile of papers littering his desk. Tina huffed out her agreement as she looked at the stack. It was about five inches tall. Reed was certainly doing more than his fair share. As always.

"Don't I know it. Well, good for you. Catch you later." Tina fully intended to keep her early streak going, even without Reed. Reed raised a hand in farewell as she left before delving into his latest case. He almost dropped the file as he flicked it open to see the smashed up android. Isn't this the case from a couple weeks back? He frowned curiously as he laid out the photos. They looked so familiar. An android. Drained of thirium. Smashed into pieces so badly it could barely be recognised. Left in a blue stained heap in an abandoned warehouse. This is the same case...He was certain of it as he opened the notes. No...This number...I don't think it is the same...

"You're going to glare a hole through that monitor if you...Jesus H Christ..." Hank's gruff voice trailed off from behind. Reed looked over his shoulder a moment before finding the case file he was looking for and opening it. The photos weren't identical. The colour of the dirty floor was different, as was the shape of the pile of scrap. It's a different case, but the same MO. His jaw tightened as he flagged the two cases as likely connected, brow still furrowed as he looked between them. They were pretty much identical besides the location.

"Pretty fucked up, right?" he murmured as he leaned back in his chair and looked up at Hank's stunned face. He was surprised to find him so close. He was leaning down to rest a hand on the back of his chair for a better look at everything. He seemed more disturbed than Reed felt, though he couldn't blame him. He was very close to Connor. He was probably thinking about it being Connor lying there in bits. Now that he'd thought about it, it bothered Reed, too. He tried not to shiver. He'd come really fucking close to shooting Connor not so long ago. Shooting him doesn't even come close to this shit though, Christ!

"That's an understatement...You-uh...You give me a heads up if you need help with this one," Hank added in an almost fatherly tone as he patted his shoulder. Reed nodded absently as he glared at the photos. He was so focused that he didn't even register the kindness in Hank's voice, or how supportive his hand had felt. Like the good old days. We know it's probably linked to red ice, so it would make sense to look into any gangs or known drug rings in the area where the bodies were found...Could be some overlap. He grabbed the small notebook he used for current cases as Hank returned to his desk with an almost affectionate huff. Reed decided to give these two special attention for the day. We think there's a red ice connection because it uses thirium, but what if there isn't? What if some sicko just enjoys torturing these bastards before smashing them to pieces? It was less likely than the red ice connection, but it still warranted attention.

Reed brought up the two locations on a map, surprised to find them so far apart. It's unlikely to be a coincidence...In fact, I'd say it's impossible. He looked at the two abandoned areas. They were similar besides location. Both old, disused warehouse districts. Both not too far from the main city centre. There was one difference. One had water access while the other was inland. That's not too far from the old Jericho wreck...He leaned closer to look at the location and zoomed in. Fine. Different locations, but similar...Narcotics can probably help with gang information on who owns which patch...He opened an email and brought up an old colleague. He didn't interact with other departments much these days, but he still knew a few people.

He paused for a while after that, idly playing with one of the photos, passing it from hand to hand. He didn't even realise he was staring at it. It must have been quite a look on his face because suddenly he looked up to find Connor staring at him almost unnervingly. He coughed awkwardly, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. He had a habit of staring off into space when thinking. I really need to be more careful where I point my eyes. I probably look like a phcking serial killer.

"Did you hear me, Detective?" Connor asked with a tilt of his head. Shit, he was talking to me? It was rare that he didn't notice when someone spoke to him. Guess I really am absorbed in this shit. He sighed as he dropped the photo face down and leaned back. His chair groaned in protest, and Reed almost moaned at the relief that flooded his spine. He must have been sitting hunched over for a couple of hours at this point.

"Phck no, when do I ever listen to you?" His gruff retort was laced with something slightly softer that let Connor know he wasn't being serious. "I'm pretty deep in a case right now," he added in explanation as he tapped the files on his desk. Connor was smartly dressed as always, and played with his tie as he nodded his understanding. It was a quirk left over from his formal programming. Something he used to do to seem more human. Now he did it out of habit.

"Yes, Hank mentioned it. I came over to let you know I was really impressed with the assignments you wrote. Not only were they completed with unnecessary punctuality, but the content was well thought out and extremely detailed. I wouldn't be surprised if you placed highest in the class." Connor praised Reed with his usual brimming warmth and enthusiasm. It was weird and unexpected. Reed's eyes widened, and his mouth suddenly forgot how to function as his green eyes darted around the bullpen almost fearfully. For one thing, he had his reputation as Supreme Asshole to uphold, and for another, he was almost convinced someone was fucking with him. No one complimented his academic work. No one. It had always been too overshadowed by the lazy spelling and grammar, and his bad behaviour or poor attitude in class.

"Uh...Thanks? I guess..." Reed managed eventually, still somewhat flabbergasted. Connor gave him a small, respectful nod before returning to his own desk. He really only came over here to tell me that? Reed ran a hand over his face, feeling the heat in his skin. He really hoped he wasn't blushing as he looked across at Hank. Hank looked somewhat smug, but he wasn't outright being made a fool of, so he was probably safe. Reed took the stunned silence to make his way into the break room and make himself a coffee. He rolled his neck, feeling it crack. This is one weird phcking day...

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