Claiming The Princess (lemon)

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Momo was awkward when it came to socializing or growing intimate with anyone, and she didn't take failure well. And she would definitely become stuttering mess once they were done. A mess that would only grow worse when her belly swelled with so many of their children, all at once.

Izuku didn't want to subject his friend to any kind of mental torment. Regardless of circumstances or hormonal conditions.

So, Izuku took Momo's hands in his and interlaced there fingers, and he squeezed her hands as he began kissing down her jawline and neck.

"Ah! I-I-Izuku!?" Momo cried out in surprise and pleasure.

Izuku could tell she wanted to just get right to it, but he also knew that the real Momo, the one burred underneath all the quirk induced lust and desperation, wouldn't be satisfied with just a quick ramp.

No, a purely physical, rough smashing on it's own, would be the worst thing for Momo's insecurities.

Even if it was hard on her, what she needed in the long run, was some slow, passionate lovemaking.

Something she clearly wasn't apposed to, as she cried out when Izuku kissed his way down her neck and began working his way down her collarbone.

"Ooooohhhhhh~ Izu~" Momo whined as her stiff limbs, tried to squirm and tremble, but could barely move.

Izuku noticed this as he moved slowly, and decided to try and help alleviate her stiff body.

Izuku's eyes faintly glowed with a bright green hew, and his fingertips glowed to match, as he let go of her hands and slowly moved them down Momo's arms.

The girl gasped and let out a long, deep moan of relief mixed with pleasure, as she felt a tingling sensation, fill her nerves where Izuku's fingers gently glided over her skin. Pressing down on certain points and eliciting a moan of relief as the tension left her body.

Izuku couldn't help but grin as he blushed, before continuing to kiss his way to the center of her collarbones, while still moving his fingers down Momo's arm. Her veins and nerves glowing green briefly where he touch.

One of the quirks he got from his time with Nejire. It allowed him to share his vitality with others to reinvigorate and even heal them. The big upside being that it drained his own, massive reserves of stamina when healing, instead of the recipient.

Though it wouldn't usually result in the pleasure Momo was feeling right now. That was something Izuku didn't see coming. But then again, he ironically wasn't thinking of sex when he designed quirks.

Nether one saw reason to complain though, as Momo moved her, once again, functioning arms to hold Izuku's head to her chest, as he moved between her cleavage.

Her suit held her breasts apart, so Izuku was able to work right down the middle, while occasionally kissing the inner sides of her boobs, while his magic hands, glossed over her side before moving back up and ghosting over her covered breasts and the exposed middle, causing Momo to throw her head back and cry out.

Her back would have arched, were it not still stiff, but Izuku was slowly and surly breathing life back into her locked muscles. Relaxing them so they could tens up again, as he visited soft and slow pleasure upon the well endowed girl's flesh.

"Oooohhhhh!!!!~ Izukuuuuuuuu!!!~" Momo drew out, as she gripped the sheets of her bed. The newly relaxed parts of her body, ceasing up once again, as Izuku made his way down her belly button.

Momo pouted as Izuku passed up her womanhood, but quickly moaned again, as he worked his way down her legs, which promptly turned to jelly under his touch.

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