Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


172 hours and 40 minutes without Vivian near me.

I'm about ready to go insane.

I don't know how I'll make it two more weeks.

I feel lost without her, hapless.

What does any of this even matter if she isn't beside me?

When I arrive at the office, I'm surprised to see over a dozen people milling about. I blink stupidly, taking in my surroundings.

Who...the fuck?

I wander further to the corner office and see Kate Callahan – my regal, stunning, mother sitting at her desk.

She is dressed in a suit and is typing away on her computer.

Her stand-in assistant passes me on my way in, nodding at my tightly.

I try not to gape as I step into the office.

"Alistair. Hi darling," my mother smiles up at me. "Come in!"

"I've made yourself at home," I grin as I step in and flop in the chair across from her.

"Well, someone has to keep things moving while Viv is out of town," she mutters.

"Is that a dig?" I ask curiously.

"A large dig. Are you a fool?" she snaps as she stops typing.

"What?" I laugh.

"You let that girl go..."

"She needed to see her brother."

My mother scoffs.

"You're miserable without her. And I have no doubt she is too."

She shakes her head.

"Get. Your. Head. Out. Of. Your. Ass."

"Ma!" I laugh. "Language."

She narrows her eyes at me.

"Two weeks," I say, settling into the chair. "I wanted to give her space. This's a lot. You know that better than anyone, Mom."

A silence settles over us. My mom considers this. She nods slowly.

"I suppose it is..." she says quietly.

"Sometimes love isn't enough. I can't ask her to just jump in headfirst..." I sigh.

I squeeze the back of my neck, demanding the tension leave me.

"So, you took it upon yourself to send her away on a forced visit home?" she asks.

"I can't bear the thought of her leaving me one day!" I snap. "I did what I thought was best."

My mom shakes her head. "You need to get it through your thick skull that Viv loves you. Trust that she can make her own decisions."

"I know she can make her own decisions. I'm not some kind of controlling prick, Ma."

"Stop pushing her away. If she tells you she's ready to dive headfirst into this world, as you said, then trust her."

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