Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I can't take my eyes off of her. Not when the waiter brings champagne. Not when she's telling me all about her day of shopping. With fucking Danny. I should fire him. Did he see her in any state of undress? If so, I won't just fire him, I'll punch him till he's dead.

Viv brings the champagne flute to her lips. I'm mesmerized by the way her lips latch around the rim and leave a little red mark from her lipstick along the glass.

How the fuck am I going to get through this dinner with her?

"I know I probably said some crazy stuff last night," I clear my throat a bit, attempting to break the tension.

Viv offers a small, knowing smile. "Nothing that crazy."

I quirk a brow. "Somehow, I just don't believe you."

Viv giggles lightly. It's like a soothing melody to my ears. She shocks the hell out of me when she puts her hand over mine where it rests on the table and squeezes.

"I owe you," I wink. "You get to get as drunk as you want and I will watch over you."

"You've already seen me drunk one too many times," she winces.

"Hardly. You never have more than a few drinks," I laugh.

"Because that's all it takes!" she giggles. "One drink and I'm rapping my heart out in the middle of the dancefloor."

"I daresay if you weren't in this line of business, you could have a lucrative hip hop career," I tease, relieved at the joking, more natural state of our conversation now.

It's one of my favorite things in the world – seeing Viv unwind, let her hair down, dancing with her friends, laughing, being carefree. It's a rarity. I wish I could make her life easier, but I fear I'm only making things more complicated.

I meant what I said to the guys in the group chat earlier.

I've never been in love, so I'm not exactly sure what it feels like, but I imagine it feels just like this. I only worry that by sharing these thoughts with Viv, I'm acting more selfishly than I already am. What could she possibly say or do in response to that?

I shake my head, shaking myself out of it.

One night without thinking about all of that.

One night without discussing the future.

That's all I needed.

One night with her.

"What would you be...if you hadn't ended up in this life?" I ask her curiously.

She shrugs, "I'm not sure. Probably still waiting tables," she huffs.

"Aw, come on. You don't think you would've eventually gone back to school, got that teaching degree?" I ask.

Viv shrugs again. I see something shine in her eyes and I wonder if I pushed too far.

"You don't have to talk about it..." I say quietly.

"No," she smiles a bit, taking my hand again. This time, I grasp on and hold. "It's not that. I don't mind talking to you about it. It still feels like yesterday...when I found out they were just...gone forever."

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