Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Cal and I have been going at it like rabbits for over a week. The soreness is starting to become normal. Cal tries to soothe me with hot baths and essential oils, which he is convinced work miracles. I'm not so sure.

Regardless, I still limp a bit as I pace back and forth in the office. I kicked off my heels hours ago as I read through more business proposals. I've been helping Kate Callahan out with running the business. She's still holding off selling.

Meanwhile, Cal has been busier than ever.

He's gained the respect of the city – which is unsurprising.

They think it's inevitable that he'll agree to take over.

I'm starting to agree with them.

Cal's flourishing here. He's too humble to admit it, but he is.

It's late and rainy tonight. I lean against the window as I stare down at my highlighted notes from the latest business proposal.

I should really call it soon. Cal will be out a few more hours though, so I can get a bit more work in before heading back to the house.

I'm not really paying attention when I hear the sound of the elevator of the office building ding. Thinking nothing of it, I plop back into the chair and wiggle the computer mouse to wake it up.

I hear footsteps and look up, expecting to see Roy, one of Cal's soldiers that he sends with me each day to watch over me. He's probably eager to get out of here and asking when I'll be done.

I gasp when a stranger's shadow braces the doorway.

I get up and move to open the top drawer of the desk where I know the gun is.

"I wouldn't," the deep voice says. I hear the click of a gun. His gun. The stranger steps further into the office. I don't recognize him at all. He's dressed in all black and has a thick Irish accent, wild blonde hair, and eyes like night.

I stare at where he's pointing the gun at me.

"Hands up," he demands.

Panic sets in.

My heart is racing and my vision blurs. Hot tears gather in my eyes.

Is this what my parents felt like before they died that night?

I hold my hands up shakily, somehow managing to listen to directions.

The man moves closer, tsking. "Now, what are you doing here all alone?" he asks.

I can't speak. I can't even think.

Yet, there's a familiar voice in my mind telling me I have to center myself.

Think, Chang. Think.

My eyes flash down to the drawer with the gun. There's no way I can reach in there and get it in time. He'll definitely shoot me.

Nessa and Cal both taught me many self-defense moves. But my attacker is still too far away from me to make a move.

I swallow and look across the room where my phone sits on the sofa.

"Don't think about doing anything clever, Vivian Chang."

How does he know who I am?

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